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Life Stories

Life FormationLife Stories


On April 8th, 2013, I heard the words you never want to hear, "You have cancer." My life was never the same from that day on. Fortunately for me the mass in my sigmoid colon was operable. They found what was causing my grief and it was going to be removed.  This was my FIRST Silver Linings moment. What's A Silver Linings Moment? The easiest way to explain a Silver Linings is when people are put into difficult situations, they need to look past the hardships and find the light at the end of the tunnel. Its about turning their negative situations into positive ones, finding their inner peace and the "will power" to overcome anything. When handed lemons, make lemonade!…
Bob Jones
April 2, 2019
Life FormationLife Stories


Stigma and shame kill more Canadians than your worst nightmares can envision. Sons. Daughters. Spouses. Grandkids. Friends. Their deaths leave anger, guilt, frustration, grief, sorrow, hopelessness. Broken dreams. Broken hearts. What’s enraging is their deaths were preventable. So that’s why I am writing this. To ensure that my granddaughters or grandson or their friends never get to a place in their lives where stigma or shame speak louder than truth and love. (more…)
Bob Jones
March 23, 2019
Life FormationLife Stories

The Real Deal: The Velveteen Pastor

“The Boy’s Uncle made me Real,” the Skin Horse said. “That was a great many years ago; but once you are Real you can’t become unreal again. It lasts for always.”(Margery Williams, The Velveteen Rabbit(1922) (Avon Books Edition, 1975), pages 12-13) (more…)
Bob Jones
February 24, 2019
Life Stories


Inside Commonwealth Stadium the Edmonton Eskimos football team were racking up their sixth straight loss of the season. That was bad enough. Outside Commonwealth, one man went on a Saturday night rampage leaving a police officer and four pedestrians injured. An ISIS flag was found in his vehicle. (more…)
Bob Jones
October 5, 2017
Life FormationLife Stories

Middle East Conflict: The Root

Beshir Kamel lost two brothers who were amongst the twenty-one Christians executed by ISIS terrorists in February 2015. Everyone involved in this horrific event, both the victims and the perpetrators, were of Arab origins. When it comes to the Middle East we presume to know the “good guys” from the “bad guys.” Aren’t all Middle East conflicts the result of an Old Testament prophecy related to the descendants of Ishmael? Aren’t Ishmael’s descendants said to be against everyone? Aren’t the sworn enemies of Israel all Arabs? A recent trip to Israel influenced me to re-examine a number of my conceptions regarding Arab people. APPALLING ATROCITIES AND A REMARKABLE RESPONSE A clearer understanding of the Biblical story of Ishmael, from whom…
Bob Jones
May 6, 2015