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I like watching for signs when I travel. Not the directional or apocalyptic kind - the ironic kind. The beauties above adorned a hillside in Galilee, Israel. Keeping The Door Closed At All Times Some signs are a fuzzy kind of funny. I saw the one below at Pearson International in Toronto. A manager wanted to insure that shoes or anything else did not collect on their watch. The open door where this sign was posted revealed shoes all over the floor. This one was on the side of a boat we sailed in on the Sea of Galilee. Savvy store owners capitalizing on the value of humor in marketing. Are you a reflection of what you eat? Some signs…
Bob Jones
February 26, 2017


Eleven days in Israel and Jordan are more than enough to rock your perceptions of the Middle East. Thirty-two of us traveled halfway around the globe to be reminded that it's a small world after all. On February 8th our team bid a fond farewell to -30C Canadian weather. Sixteen hours and eleven thousand km's later we were embraced by the 17C shalom of Tel Aviv, Israel. (Scroll to the bottom to see updated photos of the trip.) Milk, Honey and Rocks The landscape was the first to rock our perceptions. Literally. Israel is in a desert. Rocks and sand are everywhere. Even the green pastures surrounding the Sea of Galilee are littered with stones and rocks. Sheep and goats…
Bob Jones
February 20, 2017


Imagine going back in time to a place that has been unchanged for over 2,000 years. That's what's in store in Petra, Jordan and underground in the city of Jerusalem. Take a tour through fifteen photos that capture a myriad of memories. Camel selfies! O, the friends you'll make. Unforgettable travel arrangements. Take a second look in Bethlehem. No need to look for camel fare. The ride is included. A 2,300 year old gender neutral washroom. The sign says it all. At the Top of the World near Petra, Jordan. Scrumptious and calorie free. Some frankincense with your Pepsi? For Canadians, there's no escaping the snow...even in Jordan. The good shepherd and his flock. The view from Masada where 960…
Bob Jones
March 27, 2016


When you're done learning, you're done. 2015 was a year of firsts - first grandson; first trip to Israel, Germany, France; first Caribbean cruise; first book published. It was a year of learning and discovery. 15 Things I Discovered In 2015 In random order of importance: 1. If you leave the window of your hotel room open overnight in Tiberias, Israel don't be surprised if you wake up to find pigeons roosting on your lampshade in the morning. 2. Grandkids are God's gift of family that can be returned to the manufacturers after every use. 3. Spider Mable is the greatest superhero in Edmonton. 4. Israel is a miracle. Jerusalem is unforgettable. Pilgrimage should be experienced by every believer. Walking…
Bob Jones
December 28, 2015
Life FormationLife Stories

Middle East Conflict: The Root

Beshir Kamel lost two brothers who were amongst the twenty-one Christians executed by ISIS terrorists in February 2015. Everyone involved in this horrific event, both the victims and the perpetrators, were of Arab origins. When it comes to the Middle East we presume to know the “good guys” from the “bad guys.” Aren’t all Middle East conflicts the result of an Old Testament prophecy related to the descendants of Ishmael? Aren’t Ishmael’s descendants said to be against everyone? Aren’t the sworn enemies of Israel all Arabs? A recent trip to Israel influenced me to re-examine a number of my conceptions regarding Arab people. APPALLING ATROCITIES AND A REMARKABLE RESPONSE A clearer understanding of the Biblical story of Ishmael, from whom…
Bob Jones
May 6, 2015


When was the last time you had to pinch yourself so you wouldn’t miss the moment you were living? For me it was feeling the sea breeze on my face and the wooden deck of the boat beneath my feet as we silently glided across the surface of a sea called, “Galilee.” PINCH. Could this have been the very place that 2000 years ago, Jesus, awakened by his anxious disciples, spoke calm to a furious storm? Were the hills on the horizon the long ago home of the Gaderene who was possessed by a legion of demons? Might it have been at this spot that Jesus appeared, walking on the water on a moon lit night, and invited Peter to become…
Bob Jones
February 22, 2015


In January 2014, I sat in Row B at IMAX for a one-of-a-kind, 3D immersion into parts of Jerusalem and the Holy Land that most tourists and pilgrims never see. I was hooked. Over the past three decades I've always declined invitations to lead a tour to Israel. Not that I don't revere "the Holy Land" but I never felt compelled to travel there. Now, Jerusalem had become irresistible. Within a week of viewing the film we booked a tour to Israel and Jordan with International Tours. We're going back again in March 2019 and you could join us. 10 Irresistible Things About Israel and Jerusalem 1. Jerusalem, not Toronto, is the center of the Universe. Jerusalem lies close to…
Bob Jones
January 26, 2014