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Personal Transformation: Making the Changes You Want

My life revolves around transformation. I help people change their beliefs and their thinking. All of the success I’ve seen involves faith, love and hope. There have been some instantaneous, miraculous examples of change but mostly they've been from persevering, intentional, daily choices that lead to change. What do you want to change? 1. Change happens when we know enough to want to or hurt enough to have to. For most, it’s the “hurt” factor. Pain is a powerful motivator. That’s just the way life is. Pain can be a good thing. It’s one of God’s ways of getting our attention. C.S. Lewis said, “God whispers in our pleasures, but shouts in our pain.” You may be reading this because…
Bob Jones
October 30, 2013

Guest Post – Why Are We Afraid to Embrace the Different?

This is a guest post from Cindy Keating. Cindy is a singer-songwriter, worship leader, blogger, speaker and a long time attender of North Pointe. She loves to create conversation at – an online community premised on the belief that we are all leaders of worship. By finding our true contentment in Christ, we can experience everyday “red carpet” moments simply by seeing our day-to-day tasks as our greatest opportunities for worship. "It’s the eye contact that lingers a little too long, the hug that squeezes a little too hard, the handshake that practically rips your arm off, the pause that befalls a conversation where we feel the need to say, “Anyhow…” It’s that fake sentence that has become a…
Bob Jones
October 27, 2013

Habits Got You? 4 Insights for Change

Every morning I am first into our kitchen. I take two mugs out of the cupboard... prepare them with coffee and hot chocolate... unplug my phone from the charger... click on my YouVersion Bible app... read the North Pointe portion of the Bible for the day... and journal my insights. That pattern has been the first 15 minutes of most everyday for as long as I can remember. My actions are not choices I make each day but habits that are embedded in the fabric of my “routine.” Your daily actions are the result of settled habits. You can change your life by changing your habits. 4 Insights To The Power Of Habits 1. Our most basic actions are not…
Bob Jones
October 26, 2013


"We knew we'd be OK because you were praying." These were the words that greeted my wife, Jocelyn, after she was held up at gunpoint in the bank where she worked. When the bad guy came in to the tellers area he picked Jocelyn's wicket for the stick-up. He was wearing a balaclava and shouted, "Give me all the money!" He sighted a rifle in her face. People started crying. With most everyone else down on the floor she coolly bagged the money. He made his getaway and her co-workers came to her side. One of them told her, "We knew you'd be praying so we felt safe." Jocelyn told them, "Praying? I had no time for praying. I had…
Bob Jones
October 25, 2013

The Minute Manager of Prayer

  You'd be amazed what you can accomplish in a minute. What holds a lot of people back from prayer is the feeling that if I can't go into isolation and completely focus and pray for an hour, my prayer won't count. As a pastor, my typical day is formed around minutes, not hours of prayer. As a pastor I live in the shadow of men like Martin Luther who is quoted as saying, "I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer." (Rev. Luther may have done that only a few times in his life, but his quote has become a benchmark regarding the priority of prayer, especially for pastors.) Luther also…
Bob Jones
October 23, 2013

What Can You Accomplish in a Minute?

Minutes are to us as miracles are to God. Think about it…minutes are what define our lives. We get 1440 of them every day. We know minutes like fish know water. They are so second nature to us that we are unaware of their passage. Miracles are what define God. Miracles are second nature to Him. If a conception/birth is a miracle then there are over 250 of them every minute on our planet. That’s well over a quarter million every week. 95% of our entire universe is held together by an unknown "dark energy." That's a miracle everyday for us. The 'chance' coincidence of so many trillion possibilities that had to be exactly right for a universe and life…
Bob Jones
October 21, 2013

How Can I Pray?

Is prayer something that you can "learn" or does it just come naturally? Quite simply, you can learn to pray by praying. God invites us to "ask" of Him. Asking is a good starting point to praying. But won't God feel "used" by my asking? God wouldn't invite us to ask if He didn't want us to ask. Right?  Actually, asking is a form of worship because it shows our dependency on God. As you pray take note of the following to help you pray: 1. Become aware of God’s interaction with you. Look back on the events of the day. Your day may seem confusing to you—a blur, a jumble, or disconnected events. Ask God to help you be…
Bob Jones
October 20, 2013

How to Have Strong Faith

"Faith moves mountains." Faith will help you do what you thought couldn't be done. Faith can give you new direction and purpose. Faith pleases God. But faith doesn’t come easy. People hunger for certainty, yet something hinders them from experiencing it. They want their faith to soar but their intellects can hold them securely down. How can I have a strong faith? 1. Understand that faith is conditional. Unlike love, which is best expressed unconditionally, strong faith demands a BECAUSE. “I trust you because…” “I believe in you because…” If the “because” is not strong enough the faith will never be secure. We trust people because of what we know about their character or their history. We trust God because…
Bob Jones
October 17, 2013

291 Days and Counting

"The sun comes up, its a new day dawning, its time to sing your song again." 2013 is 291 days old and counting. Have you made your days count for something? In January 2013 we invited people at North Pointe to pick a word for the coming year that could characterize their experiences. My word was "intrepid." Jocelyn's was "resolute." Kristen Fersovitch's was "purposeful." A sampling of others were "crave," "yes," "intentional," "influence," and mark." The word chosen for our church family was “awaken.” It comes from the verse, “Be up and awake to what God is doing!” Romans 13:11(The Message) We had an expectation that God would work a spiritual awakening in the lives of people through North Pointe.…
Bob Jones
October 16, 2013

What I Am Thankful For…

EVELYN – “I am thankful for God’s blessing in my life, my husband, my family, my friends, my church family, and countless blessings.” APRIL – “I am thankful for my faith, my awesome friends and family, my sister and cousins, shelter, food, clothes, money to survive, a good church, basic needs, eternal life, teachers, doctors. NORM – “I am thankful for God’s perfect leading throughout my life.” DAISY – “I am thankful for technology so I can call, Skype and text my family in Ontario.” DENISE – “I am thankful to have my son back in my life. I feared I would never have a relationship with him again.” CHRISTINA – “I am thankful for a big, close family and…
Bob Jones
October 14, 2013