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A Personal Relationship with Jesus

North Pointe exists to see a personal relationship with Jesus grow in everyone; everyday. Having a personal relationship with Jesus is not a trite or trivialized idea  - its God's idea. Don't miss the profound in the familiar words of John 3:16 - "...God so loved the world..." That's a love for a world of people - a love that is personal. God wants a relationship with YOU. A healthy relationship is based on: 1. TRUST Trust is conditional. "I trust you because..." is a reasonable perspective. God is trustworthy because He is the loving Creator. He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. He knew you before you were born. He numbers all of your days and the hairs on your…
Jones Bob
January 17, 2014


When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things. Read more at When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things. Read more at When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things. Read more at When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things. Read more at When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing…
Bob Jones
January 13, 2014


What does Christianity give us beyond televangelists, potlucks, and bad basketball leagues?  Not much, according to some.  The world, they say, would be a better place without Christianity. That's where a story like "The Grace Effect" can change hearts and minds. The "grace effect" is an observable phenomenon that life is demonstrably better where authentic Christianity flourishes. An Odd Couple The book opens with a story about a truly odd couple - the Christian author, Larry Taunton and Christopher Hitchens, the atheist author of God is Not Great. Taunton hosted Hitchens at numerous debates on the existence of God across the US. After one such debate Hitchens challenged Taunton with a question about what Christianity has done for society, lately.…
Jones Bob
January 10, 2014


"Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” Dale Carnegie 11 Qualities of Truly Confident People 1. Confidence is not bravado, or swagger. Confidence is the foundation for everything in life. Courage flows out of confidence. 2. Confidence is quiet - it’s a natural expression of ability, competence, and self-respect. 3. Confident people make you feel comfortable. 4. Confidence is power under control. The Bible has a term for it: “meek.” Meek isn’t weak. Meek is “power under control.” Western culture has morphed the meaning of meek into something never intended. 5. Confident people listen more than they speak. Truly confident people are quiet…
Bob Jones
January 8, 2014


"It is rare for a hospital to publicly credit a miraculous recovery to prayer and divine intervention." That's how a friend of mine introduced THE news story she sent to me.  The story was reported on December 30, 2013 in "Le Journal de Montreal." Dr. Sherif Emil Call it a coincidence, an accident, or maybe even luck or fate. But every now and again you come across a “miracle” - a patient, who against all odds, survives and thrives even when everything was stacked against them. On June 4, 2013, Dr. Sherif Emil, a surgeon at the Montreal Children’s Hospital, had just begun his week on call, when he received an urgent page from the pediatric surgery fellow. The prognosis…
Bob Jones
January 8, 2014


The "Leave It to Beaver" model of society from the early 1960s is a distant memory. Today, rude rules.  Reality television programs showcase domestic and social interactions driven by narcissism, competition and selfishness. From road rage in the morning commute to high decibel cell-phone conversations that ruin dinner out, behaving badly has become the hallmark of a me-first, bully world. Schoolyard to Facebook Bullies Today's students face the age old issue of "school yard" bullies. They also face a more painful emotional and relational bullying on social media. Facebook can become "Hatebook" and Instagram, Snapchat and Kik hold their own kind of danger. Teens across Canada have been driven to despair because of bullying on social media. Some have taken…
Bob Jones
January 7, 2014

A Bible Reading Plan for You

It’s the START that STOPS the average person. Don't get stopped at START. Here are three things that have made a big difference in getting me STARTED everyday in reading the Bible. 1. Prioritize. First things should be first. Its so easy to become distracted. Before I read anything else, I read a portion of the Bible. Just doing that reminds my spirit that the Bible is vital for my life. 2. Digitize. I use the Youversion Bible app on my smartphone. Its free. Its easy to use. It makes the Bible handy. I can instantly access a couple of dozen versions if I want to see a verse from different angles. I use a printed version of the Bible…
Bob Jones
January 5, 2014


Over the past 36 years of ministry I’ve been asked a question by anxious news watchers, inquisitive students and seekers of all sorts. The question is: "What in the world is God doing today?" If you want to know what God is doing in the world have a look at your local church. 5 Ways God Is At Work Through His Church 1. The local church is the center of God's attention and activity in every community. The Church universal is God's experiment in love and grace. When believers love unconditionally, the church works. When believers make anything else their modus operandi we fail. 2. The local church is the hope of the world. Its pragmatic to be a part…
Bob Jones
December 27, 2013

Top 10 Favourite Pointes of View

Pointes of View provides insight, practical ideas, and proven principles to inspire hope, love and faith. These are The Top 10 All-Time Pointes of View posts. 1. 13 Things to Stop Doing to Your Marriage 2. 16 Profound Insights You Need to Hear - the power of influence. 3. 24 Golden Rules For Getting Along With (Almost) Anyone - practical and effective advice for relationships 4. Life Lessons from Kristen Fersovitch - Kristen passed away on October 4, 2013 - "ORNAMENT" a biograpical sketch of Kristen is available on iBooks for iPad and iPhone; on Kindle and Kobo readers 5.  A Life Saving Practice - how a daily practice of connecting with God through the Bible can change your life…
Bob Jones
December 18, 2013


The right words at the right time can inspire a breakthrough in your life. A quote can have the power to get you through a bad week or the courage to pursue your dreams. My 26 All Time Favorite Quotes 1. Difficult people are difficult because difficult has worked for them. 2. “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God." Mark 10:27 3. Two anxieties dominate much of our lives: an unchangeable past & an unpredictable future. Forgiving changes the past and promising secures the future. 4. Speak your mind. Those who matter won't mind, and those who mind don't matter. 5. The Introvert advantage - intellectual persistence, prudent thinking, & the ability…
Bob Jones
December 15, 2013