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Heroes in Life and Death

Canada paused June 10, 2014 to honor three men who served their country as RCMP officers. I sat with some of our church staff to watch portions of the broadcast of the funeral service in Moncton, New Brunswick. At that time I blogged, "It is sobering to think this could have happened in St Albert where I live - the safest city of its size in Canada." And now "it" has happened in St Albert. Senseless Deaths Const. David Wynn, 42, and Auxiliary Const. Derek Bond, 49, were investigating a report of a stolen vehicle inside the Apex Casino on Saturday January 17th when they were both shot by 34-year-old Shawn Rehn. Bond was released from hospital after being shot…
Bob Jones
June 10, 2014


 “The Fault in Our Stars” is a widely popular young adult novel by John Green about teens finding love in a time of cancer. “This is truth - sorry!” says Hazel Grace at the outset of the story. Hazel is the 16 year-old central character and her warning sets the stage for the anticipation of heartbreak. She has managed to hold lung cancer at bay thanks to an experimental drug, but breathing tubes and a portable oxygen tank remind us of cancer’s constant threat. Hazel's Hero With Feet Of Clay Hazel is sent by her anxious and caring parents to a cheesy, church sponsored, cancer support group where she meets the love of her life. (How come church sponsored support…
Bob Jones
June 8, 2014

55 Over the Top Snapple Facts

Life is remarkable, surprising, intriguing, and never dull.  1. The average human eats 8 spiders in his/her lifetime while sleeping. 2. The average person makes 1,140 phone calls per year. 3. On average a human will spend up to 2 weeks kissing in his/her lifetime. 4. The average woman consumes six pounds of lipstick in her lifetime. 5. The average human produces 10,000 gallons of saliva in a lifetime. A ball of glass will bounce higher than a ball of rubber. 7. A goldfish's attention span is three seconds. Beavers can hold their breath for 45 minutes under water. 9. Bees have five eyelids. Chewing gum while peeling onions will prevent you from crying. 11. Children grow faster in the…
Bob Jones
June 1, 2014


Maya Angelou earned her doctorate in life. Her 84 years of living took her across continents, around the globe, through marriages, and into the hearts of social activists, TV icons, Presidents, pastors and ordinary people looking for hope and love. Born Marguerite Anne Johnson on April 4, 1928, she would change her name to "Maya" and later adopt the appellation, “Dr” only because she wanted others to call her “Dr.” "I have studied everything. I spent some time with Zen Buddhism and Judaism and I spent some time with Islam. I found that I really want to be a Christian. When I say, ‘I am a Christian’ I don't speak of this with pride. I'm confessing that I stumble and…
Bob Jones
May 29, 2014


Are you are facing a situation in which the odds are stacked against you? You may be facing a diagnosis of cancer, a financial downturn, a lost job, or a broken relationship. Maybe you're an evacuee from Fort McMurray. You want to believe you can overcome your circumstances but truth be told you feel overcome by your circumstances. What Do You Do? There are numerous incidences from history where people faced intimidating odds and overcame them through faith. Here's where the Bible can be a practical help. There are stories of people like you who used faith in God to succeed. Three such people are referred to in Hebrews 11:29-31: 1. Moses: A hostile enemy army is behind you and…
Jones Bob
May 28, 2014


This post features Tim Fowler, a writer, photographer and chef. You can experience his creativity on his blogsite, "Scribbles and Snaps."  Tim says "I created this platform to share my experience of constant amazement with bits of our world and slivers of experience, and strive to make photographs and writing reflect those slivers and bits.  My goal is to amuse you, and sometimes make you laugh out loud, to shine a light where shadows exist, to stir emotion, motivate action, think laterally, and to encourage you to experience life more fully through stories told in photographs and pictures painted in words." “My sweet wife has cancer. Its a brutal reality.” Tim Fowler pulled back the curtain on his heart during…
Bob Jones
May 25, 2014


A picture is worth 1,000 words. Here is the equivalent of 15,000 words and you can feel their effect in less than 60 seconds. See what's possible with photography and a bit of creative thinking. From wildlife... to a an unexpected highrise guest. This post has images for everybody's imagination. #1. Plane in a strange place. Photo by David Kovalenko on Unsplash #2. Charlotte's Web... #3. To be or to bee... #4. Now I lay me down to sleep...#5. What do you say, Grasshopper...#6. A whole new look at the domino effect... #7. Overcoming gravity...#8. Oh yeah...#9. On a wing and prayer...#10. Go to the ant...#11. On a clear day you can see... #12. And a one, and a two…
Bob Jones
May 25, 2014


You know your soul is very just may not be sure what it means. Good health has everything to do with your soul. In fact, if you could only choose between a healthy body and a healthy soul, I'd advise...pick your soul. Integrity Your soul that has the capacity to integrate all the parts - the body, mind, and will - into a single, whole life. John Ortberg’s, “Soul Keeping: Caring for the Most Important Part of You” is far and away the best book I’ve read on the subject of soul care. When your soul is unhealthy your body, mind and will work against each other - your mind believes an action is good, but your body does…
Bob Jones
May 11, 2014

61 Quotes on Being a Leader Worth Following

Become a leader worth following. Chick-fil-A Leadercast reached out to over 120,000 leaders around the world in over 750 locations. Our team at North Pointe hosted one of those sites. Leadercast is a movement that is changing the way the world thinks about leadership by building leaders worth following. The following are quotes from Andy Stanley, Dr Henry Cloud, Archbishop Desmond TuTu, Laura Schroff, Malcolm Gladwell and Simon Sinek   Andy Stanley - Becoming a “Beyond You Leader” 1. Just because I can, doesn’t mean I have to make all the decisions. 2. Start saying, “You decide.” 3. We celebrate generosity but we envy accumulation. 4. Work for your team. “What can I do to help?” 5. My responsibility is…
Bob Jones
May 9, 2014