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Life Formation

Holidays PostsLife Formation

Thank God For Easter Saturday

Easter Sunday morning, millions of believers will attend an outdoor sunrise service. Good Friday, many spent some portion of the day attending services to remember the suffering of Jesus. However, the most relatable day of Easter weekend is not Friday or Sunday – its Saturday. It's your day. (more…)
Bob Jones
April 19, 2019
Life FormationLife Stories


On April 8th, 2013, I heard the words you never want to hear, "You have cancer." My life was never the same from that day on. Fortunately for me the mass in my sigmoid colon was operable. They found what was causing my grief and it was going to be removed.  This was my FIRST Silver Linings moment. What's A Silver Linings Moment? The easiest way to explain a Silver Linings is when people are put into difficult situations, they need to look past the hardships and find the light at the end of the tunnel. Its about turning their negative situations into positive ones, finding their inner peace and the "will power" to overcome anything. When handed lemons, make lemonade!…
Bob Jones
April 2, 2019
Life Formation


The Revelation of Jesus Christ – the last book in the Bible and last to be added to the Bible – is a must first read for leaders wanting to see churches become all Jesus intended them to be. The twenty-first century church tends to relegate the book of Revelation to the sidelines because of its mysterious imagery or to the dog and pony shows of end time dispensationalists. You know the ones with the mile wide chronological maps of The Last Days events. We’ve been robbed. (more…)
Bob Jones
April 1, 2019
Life FormationLife Stories


Stigma and shame kill more Canadians than your worst nightmares can envision. Sons. Daughters. Spouses. Grandkids. Friends. Their deaths leave anger, guilt, frustration, grief, sorrow, hopelessness. Broken dreams. Broken hearts. What’s enraging is their deaths were preventable. So that’s why I am writing this. To ensure that my granddaughters or grandson or their friends never get to a place in their lives where stigma or shame speak louder than truth and love. (more…)
Bob Jones
March 23, 2019
Life Formation

Loving Words of Affirmation

The gift came protected in a cardboard container nestled in a rustic gift bag lined with red tissue paper. With the gift came a note. The gift was hand crafted, one of a kind. The note was hand written, affirmation for a lifetime. (more…)
Bob Jones
March 11, 2019
Life Formation


Rejection makes you feel like you’re not good enough. That everyone is better than you. Rejection is defined as to throw away, the state of being refused or the denial of love and acceptance. No wonder being rejected hurts so much. (more…)
Bob Jones
February 27, 2019
Life FormationLife Stories

The Real Deal: The Velveteen Pastor

“The Boy’s Uncle made me Real,” the Skin Horse said. “That was a great many years ago; but once you are Real you can’t become unreal again. It lasts for always.”(Margery Williams, The Velveteen Rabbit(1922) (Avon Books Edition, 1975), pages 12-13) (more…)
Bob Jones
February 24, 2019
Life Formation


Just before Christmas 2017 the Government of Canada gifted a stocking full of coal to Christian charitable groups requesting funding for its Canada Summer Jobs program. Only those non-profit groups that hold the same views as the government on matters of abortion, and sexual moral norms will be eligible to apply. Ideological screening has become the new vogue for groups requesting funding for the program. Canada Summer Jobs Paula Simons, a self-declared pro-choice feminist and I, rarely land on the same side of political issues. I have to give Justin Trudeau’s government all the credit for uniting us on this issue. Simons wrote on January 17, 2018: “I find myself deeply disturbed by a new federal rule that says any small…
Bob Jones
March 7, 2018