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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 44 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers



“…this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers.” 2 Corinthians 1:20-22(NIV) What’s the “THIS” in your llfe? We all have one…or more. Day by day we are faced with circumstances that demand more from us than we can give. That’s where reliance on God, hope and the prayers of others become our deliverance. Carolina Sandell was born the daughter of a pastor in Sweden in 1832.At the age of 12, Lina, as she became known, was…
Bob Jones
April 29, 2013

3% Can Change Your World

3% - a small difference but enough to change your world. The city I live in, Edmonton, Alberta, faces severe cold and sweltering heat. (Some Edmontonians may disagree on the heat side.) What got my attention was the difference in distance between the earth and the sun in winter vs summer. The difference is only a measly 3%. Three percent is all it takes to create miserable -  -40C windchill - and amazing - +30 humidex reading. What is a "3% difference" that can change your world? 1. Adjust your focus. Focus on the permanent, rather than the temporary. The winter snow is temporary. The changing of the seasons is permanent. Life is like the seasons. We have our winters,…
Bob Jones
April 26, 2013

A Dream So Big

“A Dream So Big” is just what it says. The dream experience of Steve Peifer and his family is SO big you can’t miss the blessing of reading about it. Peifer begins his story with the surreal experience of being awarded CNN’s Hero for Championing Children Award. He then takes us to Rift Valley Academy (RVA) in Kenya, a boarding school for missionary children, where he and his wife Nancy served as dorm parents. The story gets personal for me because missionary friends of mine entrusted their children to the care of RVA. That’s a heart-rending choice for parents already making big sacrifices to serve. Trustworthy, surrogate parents are priceless. The Peifers were all of that and more. In 1997…
Bob Jones
April 19, 2013

I Love My Church

Being a Pastor is a privilege...I’ve done it for 33 years now. Its my life. Pastoring is not leadership. You can be a pastor without being a leader. It took me about 6 months into ministry to figure that out. Leaders help bring about change. My first change in ministry was to make a change in how youth ministry was being done. (Up until that time the first 6 months had been good. I was pastoring and made no changes. I thought I was doing great.) Then our volunteer youth leader, who did not like the change, called a Board member to complain about me and rallied up the rest of the youth group to resist the change. So I…
Bob Jones
April 13, 2013

Carnation Coronation

At North Pointe’s Good Friday service, everyone was given a carnation. The carnation is one of the world's oldest cultivated flowers. Its name derives from "coronation" for the floral garlands that were fashioned for ancient Greek ceremonial events. Carnations are, “The Flower of God.” Carnations come in a variety of colours and each one has an associated meaning. Light red carnations are often used to convey admiration. Dark red is an expression of love. White carnations are associated with purity. Pink carnations are often given as a sign of gratitude. As an act of worship, each person took their carnation and attached it to a rugged wooden cross. The carnations served as a coronation – honouring Jesus as Victor, King…
Bob Jones
March 29, 2013

Resurrection Road

Easter weekend is a perfect time to experience “the true grace of God.” North Pointe’s church family has been reading, studying, memorizing and being challenged by the Holy Spirit through the New Testament book, 1st Peter. It can feel like a “deep” book to get into. Every paragraph is saturated with layers of theological terms and Old Testament throwbacks. However, its also an inspiring, grace-filled book when you take it at face value. It was written to people whose worlds were being rocked because of their commitment to Jesus of Nazareth. They were persecuted, imprisoned, tortured, and executed just for being Christians. Peter encourages his readers to choose the “resurrection road.” To follow the example of Jesus when he faced…
Bob Jones
March 28, 2013

The Monk and the Merchant

The “Monk and the Merchant” is a modern parable written by Terry Felber. In God’s economy, a businessperson’s occupation is holy. It is their ministry. From a “merchant’s” business, “monks” can be supported. Excellent life and financial principles presented: 1. Work hard and God will prosper you. 2. Financial prosperity is connected to soul prosperity. 3. A man must do whatever he can to provide for his family. 4. Trials develop your character, preparing you for increased blessings. 5. Take responsibility for problems that are the result of your own bad decisions. 6. See challenges as stepping stones, not as obstacles. 7. Be meek before God, but bold before men. 8. Loaning money destroys relationships. 9. Live debt free and…
Bob Jones
March 22, 2013

The World is Watching…Are You?

“The world is watching right now and we are incredibly humbled by the reaction to the series. Ultimately The Bible will be seen and felt by billions around the globe.” History Channel’s venture in presenting the Bible has attracted one of the largest audiences in their history. Are you watching? The series has its detractors. Trying to condense 4,300 years of history into a 10-part series is bound to leave a few gaps. Some depictions are intense and violent. However, this is a series that lets God be God. God is seen inspiring faith, directing individuals, and guiding the events of history toward the completion of His work of salvation through Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death and Resurrection. I couldn’t count…
Bob Jones
March 19, 2013


It was one of those requests you can't forget. A young couple's 6 month-old son died of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). He was their only child. Would you please come over? The living room was full of family members when I arrived. Tears flowed freely. Can you help us? WHY? Their worst nightmare was visited by a recurring question, "WHY?" * An elementary-aged student, on his way to a happy day at school, stepped off a curb into an intersection. He never saw the bus. His too young life was over. "WHY?" * A young woman, driving home after a wonderful evening with friends, was broad-sided by a drunk driver. Her parents would never hear one more "I love…
Bob Jones
March 7, 2013

Family Day 2013

How did you spend Family Day? The Family Day holiday was first celebrated in Alberta in 1990. Way to go Alberta! The Premier of the day, Don Getty, said it was important for all Albertans to take time for their families and this holiday would emphasize the importance of family values. Our family spent today apart, in different parts of the country, but we were living out the Jones family values. My wife Jocelyn, was in Nova Scotia (where there is no Family day holiday...yet). She is there for a month caring for her elderly mum who had just had hip replacement surgery. “Going home,” for adult children is always an “interesting experience” because no matter how old you are,…
Bob Jones
February 18, 2013