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Slide1Crisis is cathartic – it changes people – for better or worse. The initial feelings of shock’s adrenaline rush wear off and reality begins to settle in.

Fatigue, fear, anger, depression are just some of the emotional reactions.

How can you survive a crisis?

6 Lessons In The Aftermath Of A Crisis

1) You have off-the-chart potential for out-of-control emotions.

It doesn’t matter how patient, caring, and loving you are: severe crisis inevitably uncovers the things which cut to your  heart.

Rejection, disapproval, distrust, and abandonment issues are just some of the triggers which can anger you in ways you never, ever, imagined.

“I can’t understand it. I’ve never been angry like this before!” is a very common tell-tale reaction to crisis.

Working through anger and bringing it to resolution can be the absolute most difficult experience of your life.

Common reactions to crisis include intense or unpredictable feelings, moodiness, a sense of being overwhelmed, and family conflict. People can also suffer from headaches, nausea and chest pain, as well as sensitivity to such triggers as sirens that bring back bad memories.

That’s a pretty normal or typical reaction after a crisis. It doesn’t mean there’s a profound issue.

2) You’re not as strong as you think you are, but that’s OK.

Crisis can surprise you. You’ve been through tough times before but this crisis touched you deeper than the rest.

Conflict, loss, rejection, disapproval, and despair take their toll.

Your body and mind can take only so much before they react either by snapping into an anxious mental state or by simply wearing down.

The slow, incremental wearing down is most damaging.

The onset of mental health issues is not usually abrupt. The symptoms – depression, anxiety, obsessions – can literally sneak up on you.

You may feel “pushed to the edge” and unable to hold up physically, mentally and spiritually.

Before you know it, you’re “over the edge.”

Yet, going through crisis can bring you to a place of clarity.

3) There is a God who is in control – not you.

You may think that the greater the crisis, the greater the experience of a loss of control. It’s not true.

The lesson of crisis times is the same lesson that could have been learned in calmer times.

You are not in control – you never were, you aren’t now, and you never will be. God is.

For people of faith going through all the chaos, the unpredictability, and the anxiety, it’s easy to doubt God. It’s easy to wonder if He really cares.

He does care. He cares enough to risk moving things away from your strength and submitting it to His control.

Yes, you have to “Let go and let God.”

Those who let go always learn a most important lesson: God is in control, not you.

4) God helps you to be stronger than you think you are.

In your weakness, God will demonstrate His strength.

But He can only do that if you patiently wait, persevere and hold onto hope.

God will work through your weakness to change you.

“My grace is enough; it’s all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:10, The Message)

No matter how much time God uses or needs, let Him work.

You will learn just how powerful He is and how He can work that power in you.

5) Crisis can change the character and quality of your faith.

Crisis, like all trials, will affect your faith.

Whatever your connection and relationship to God was, crisis can mature it.

God will transform you and your understanding of faith and grace as you allow Him.

6) Crisis is the greatest opportunity for renewal.

Perhaps the Chinese know it best: crisis or conflict is not intrinsically bad – they are opportunities.

Going through crisis from ignition to resolution to restoration is the singularly most life-changing experience.

Be patient.


Watch God’s faithful working in you.

For every setback a crisis brings, God will give you a greater comeback.

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APPLICATION: What crisis have you gone through and how have you changed? Please leave a comment below.

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 44 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers


  • Patricia says:

    My crisis is/has been grief and loss. Many losses over the the last 4 years have taken a toll. Then there are the losses before that and the ones still to come. I can identify with all of these lessons. There have been many challenges. I have had to spend a lot of time alone to work through it all. I listen to music whenever I can. I read a lot including my Bible. I started keeping a daily journal January 1, 2013. I have written some poems. I have come up my own quotes and sayings. There is a writer coming out in me. At a time when a lot of people lose their faith, my faith has come back. I am closer to God now more than I have ever been. I give God all the glory for rescuing me. I am a different me now, hopefully better.

  • bob jones says:

    Patricia, your comment is so inspiring and helpful. You’ve shared what has worked for you and can work for other readers. I’m glad you see “a writer coming out” in you. I would look forward to sometime reading what you’re created.

  • Annette (Couture) Harris says:

    This was posted when I needed it most… God
    always reminds me when I need to lean on him most. Thank you for being his messenger

  • bob jones says:

    God’s timing is always perfect. Glad the post was timely and helpful.

  • Shirley Bidnick says:

    The crisis I am going through is having my frail elderly parents come live with us. I always reassured them I would care for them if they ever needed care, and they always reassured me they didn’t want me to. When the day arrived they saw my sister and me as a better alternative than involuntary separation and long term care. It is easy to make a promise. It is not easy to keep it. When I made the promise I didn’t foresee that when the day came, I’d be physically limited by age myself and emotionally challenged, to do the work and deal with the complex issues. My Dad died in December. My Mom is still with us. This crisis is teaching me to accept God’s will for my life and trust Him to help me do what He wants me to do. ‘I am weak. He is strong’. Without Him, I couldn’t keep my promise.

  • bob jones says:

    Your faithfulness in caring for your dad and now your mom is an investment of love. You were able to keep your promise to your dad until his last breath. Your home was a refuge for him. Now mom is the recipient of your devoted attention. That is humility. Its also humility to rely on outside help if the time ever came for that. God bless you TODAY.

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