Jennifer Taylor was having one of those dark days – March 16, 2016 – the kind where you want to stay alone in a dark room, keep the blinds closed and shut off from the world. Everything felt like it was too much.
That’s when she heard Jesus say, “I know you are hurting. I am right here with you. What do you see?”
All she saw was a crumpled piece of paper.
Jennifer’s Story
Everyone knows what it’s like to hold a crumpled piece of paper in his or her hand. Have you ever felt like a crumpled piece of paper, crushed, unusable, unworthy?
Before you were born and before any crumpling occurred God wrote on you who you are.
Would you be willing to trust Him in an uncrumpling process to see what He’s written on you?
Jennifer Taylor is the Canadian VP for Arbonne – a company specializing in the manufacture and distribution of health and skin care products. Jennifer sustains over $1 million a month in business sales. She has spoken all over Canada United States and trained groups as large of 16,000 people at a time. She’s coming to North Pointe on Monday December 3rd.
The Crumpled Paper
“You feel like a crumpled piece of paper. I want to help unfold the creases of your crumpled paper. It’s not easy, but we will grow closer together.”
Jennifer heard the questions, “Would you be willing to stop judging yourself and comparing your crumpled paper to others that appear straight and smooth? And will you let go of feeling confused about how you could ever become a smooth, straight piece of paper?”
“What if we look at your crumpled paper as an invitation to intimacy with Me and your unfolding is a chance for us to get close. We can unfold your paper together one crease at a time. I’ve been waiting to show you what I’ve written in the dark and hidden creases, and to tell you what I think about you and how I feel about you.”
Jennifer responded, “I want that.”
What God Wrote
Her openness was the beginning of learning and experiencing how God sees her and how He feels about her. And what He wrote on her before the crumpling.
On April 21, 2016 Jennifer and my friend, Dr. Paul Day were team teaching a group of 120 women at a retreat in Caroline Alberta. Paul had the idea to hand each of the women a crumpled piece of paper with a hand written message – “You are my daughter.”

Dr Paul and Linda Day
That was when God prompted Paul to take the biggest public risk of faith in thirty years of ministry. The night before, along with Jennifer and Linda, Paul’s wife, they wrote unique messages inspired by the Holy Spirit on each of 120 pieces of paper. Then they crumpled them up and placed them in two bags.
The Next Day
The next day each woman took a crumpled piece of paper from one of the bags. They were asked to unfold the paper together.
Paul will never forget the experience of 120 crumpled pieces of paper unfolding all at the same time. It sounded like a waterfall. Then there were gasps, tears and whispering.
He stood back watching what no human could ever do as the simple messages God inspired, reached the secret and deep places in the hearts of these women.
Story after story came out as to how God spoke directly, specifically and personally to so many of His daughters.
God wants to speak into your life about what He wrote on your life.
The Crumpled Paper is a small book filled with powerful stories of Godwinks and miracles of hope. Read the incredible testimonies of uncrumpling from that women’s retreat.
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Wonderful! Paul and Lynda are very special people.
Unfortunately, I can’t get to NP CHURCH, therefore unable to buy the book. But knowing Paul, it will be worth it’s weight in gold.
Everyone but this book.
God bless all.