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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 45 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers

Sex, Education and Silence Uncategorized

Sex, Education and Silence

In the spring of 2014, the Edmonton Public School Board decided to no longer use the services of The Edmonton Pregnancy Care Centre (PCC) as guest presenters. Not much has changed since then. The PCC had been teaching its, “Wait! Let’s Talk Sex” in the Edmonton Public School system for nine years. They were invited in because of their expertise in presenting, with conviction, the abstinence option mandated by the Alberta government. Mandated, not optional. Clearly our elected representatives believe abstinence is a healthy choice to be understood when it comes to teen sexual relationships. Credible Presenters During the 2013 school year, The PCC taught over 15,000 students. There are multiple commendations on record for The PCC's presentation from both…
Bob Jones
July 17, 2014
How The World Sees You Uncategorized

How The World Sees You

The greatest gift you can give someone is to show them their highest value. This week a friend sent me a link to the Fascination Advantage® assessment. This is a new assessment about how the world sees you at your best. Sally Hogshead, the genius branding expert behind the assessment, gave me a code for 100 free surveys. It turns out that I'm "The Anchor." I learned some new things about myself.  I want to make sure you get the chance to learn the same about yourself. It will take you less than five minutes! Go to: 1. Enter the code BL-bobjones49ers and create a user account with your name, password, and email address. 2. Complete the assessment. (It takes…
Bob Jones
July 16, 2014
I MADE CAKE Uncategorized


I made cake. It's just a store-bought box of cake-mix that I whipped up with some eggs and oil. I don't normally make store-bought cake, and in fact, the last cake I made was for my husband Tim's birthday about 3 years ago. With all the discussion about healthy food and trimming the extras, I don't bake too often. This is sad really, because I enjoy baking. I enjoy that sweet reward at the end of a meal. I used the word 'reward', did you catch that? Some would say sugar is not a reward. No. In fact, some may be poised at the keyboard looking to Google information here to "help me" avoid the hazards of sugar. Don't. Guest…
Bob Jones
July 9, 2014
THROUGH THE FOG Uncategorized


Guest post from Rev. Charity Mongrain, Children's Pastor at North Pointe Community Church. Charity is committed to supporting families by nurturing the faith of children and drawing them towards Christ. Charity has been actively involved in Children's Ministry most of her life. Charity has held pastoral roles in Ontario, North Carolina, Manitoba and Alberta. She is a part of the Writer's Group at North Pointe. There is moisture in the air. Not rain, not snow - just moisture. The air is thick with it – fog; as far as the eye can see. It hides the shore, the sea, all. The silence of this place, this quiet moment is interrupted by another blast of the foghorn, a warning to all…
Bob Jones
July 6, 2014


This is a guest post from Dr. Ron Powell. Ron is passionate about training men and women to reach and disciple teens through relational ministry. He has been on this mission for the past 29 years. Presently he is the Youth Ministry Institute Director at Vanguard College in Edmonton. Ron is avid blogger at YouthMinistryUnleashed  Ron and his family have been a part of North Pointe for the over 10 years. I walked out onto my lawn, heavily armed with toxic chemicals and implements of destruction.  My goal? – wipe out the weeds! Try as I might, I was unsuccessful. The more I dug, hacked, and gouged, the bigger and fiercer the lions (the dande kind) that returned. This year…
Bob Jones
July 2, 2014
12 HOT SUMMER READS Uncategorized


A good book makes a great companion whether you're catching some rays on the deck or enjoying some well-deserved down time at the beach. Here are 12 picks from people at North Pointe for your summer reading list. 1. "Miracles Are For Real: What Happens When Heaven Touches Earth" - Connie Dean's pick - Are you interested in knowing more about miracles? You'll find honest, trustworthy, inspiring information that will boost your faith. The book, brilliantly written by Jim Garlow, intersperses real, true-life accounts of miracles with commentary on the reality of miracles, how to define them, why miracles take place. 2. "No Greatness Without Goodness" - Bob's pick - I'm reading this page-turner now. Its an inspiring story of…
Bob Jones
June 25, 2014


"We don’t have a word for the opposite of loneliness, but if we did, I could say that’s what I want in life." Marina Keegan was a student at Yale and a student of life. She was a playwright, a performer, an activist, a poet, a writer of fiction and a journalist for the Yale Daily News. Five days after she graduated in 2012, 22-year-old Marina was killed in a car accident. Her final composition went viral in the days following her death. Marina's last words hold a bitter sweet irony: "We don’t have a word for the opposite of loneliness, but if we did, I could say that’s what I want in life. What I’m grateful and thankful to…
Bob Jones
June 11, 2014
Heroes in Life and Death Uncategorized

Heroes in Life and Death

Canada paused June 10, 2014 to honor three men who served their country as RCMP officers. I sat with some of our church staff to watch portions of the broadcast of the funeral service in Moncton, New Brunswick. At that time I blogged, "It is sobering to think this could have happened in St Albert where I live - the safest city of its size in Canada." And now "it" has happened in St Albert. Senseless Deaths Const. David Wynn, 42, and Auxiliary Const. Derek Bond, 49, were investigating a report of a stolen vehicle inside the Apex Casino on Saturday January 17th when they were both shot by 34-year-old Shawn Rehn. Bond was released from hospital after being shot…
Bob Jones
June 10, 2014


 “The Fault in Our Stars” is a widely popular young adult novel by John Green about teens finding love in a time of cancer. “This is truth - sorry!” says Hazel Grace at the outset of the story. Hazel is the 16 year-old central character and her warning sets the stage for the anticipation of heartbreak. She has managed to hold lung cancer at bay thanks to an experimental drug, but breathing tubes and a portable oxygen tank remind us of cancer’s constant threat. Hazel's Hero With Feet Of Clay Hazel is sent by her anxious and caring parents to a cheesy, church sponsored, cancer support group where she meets the love of her life. (How come church sponsored support…
Bob Jones
June 8, 2014