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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 45 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers



When its been a long time since I've spoken to a friend, I tend to forget just how good of a friend they are. One day, when we finally DO reconnect, I wonder why I ever allowed the time and the distance to keep us apart. We all need community. I truly believe we were created for relationship and to be amongst people.   Melissa Benson grew up in the community at Central/North Pointe. Melissa served our church in outreach ministries to children and youth in downtown Edmonton. She was employed as a youth pastor in Ottawa, Ontario and has volunteered in Haiti and most recently in Malawi serving orphans. Now she is married with a child of her own. She…
Bob Jones
August 17, 2014
100 Ways To Create Sticky Faith In Your Family Uncategorized

100 Ways To Create Sticky Faith In Your Family

No part of parenting is easy. Whether we’re responding to our fifteen-month-old’s cries from the crib or our fifteen-year-old’s texts from the mall, we’re constantly improvising. Guessing. Hoping that what we’re doing comes close to what’s best for our kids. Part of that is inevitable. Parenting will always be a messy dance of art and science. But what if there was research that removed at least some of the guesswork about what is best for our kids — both now and long-term? What if we could learn from proven tools and ideas that would help us create a plan for our families? There is a much greater chance kids will stay connected to God if faith is modeled and talked…
Bob Jones
August 17, 2014


Marriage is inviting someone who isn’t you to be in your personal space for the rest of your life. The decision to marry will introduce you to your most significant and most challenging experiences. According to most research, up to 50 percent of people who say “I do” will not be sleeping in the same bed eight years from now. How To Beat The Odds Marriage is an increasingly unnatural and confusing thing for many couples today. In light of this, Tyler Ward—author of “Marriage Rebranded”—recently asked 25 leaders for their single best marriage advice. He put his findings into an eBook entitled, “Marriage Hacks.” I’ve read through it and found it to be insightful and entertaining. The "15 Second…
Bob Jones
August 6, 2014
I Will Be A Unifying Christian Uncategorized

I Will Be A Unifying Christian

I will be a unifying Christian. There are times when I must take a stand for God and His Word, But I can do so in such a way that is charitable and non-combative. My tone can be helpful, And my demeanor can be Christ-like. I will be a unifying Christian. I will seek to build up before I tear down, To encourage before criticizing. I will learn that my words can be a source of great harm, Or they can be a source of encouragement and joy. I will be a unifying Christian. That means that my needs and preferences will be last. And I will seek to serve others with joy. In all that I do, I will…
Bob Jones
August 6, 2014
WHY WE SAY “COME AS YOU ARE” Uncategorized


North Pointe is known as the “come as you are” church on 167 Avenue in Edmonton. Why do we say, "Come as you are?" More Than A Welcome We take our cues from Jesus. He said, “Come to me all who are loaded down with burdens and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) That’s an invitation to anyone and everyone – the burned out, the discouraged, the overachiever, the non-religious, and the _________ (you fill in the blank). "Come as you are" is an invitation to freedom because that's what Jesus offers. He doesn't give added burdens. He gives rest. The kind of "rest" Jesus provides is more than the refreshing of a good night's sleep. Its rest for…
Bob Jones
July 30, 2014


On Saturday July 26, 2014 I had the privilege of officiating our firstborn son’s wedding. It was a tranquil setting on his fiance’s family’s farm, near Delmas, Saskatchewan. Four years earlier in May, I had the same pleasure at our youngest son, Jean Marc's wedding in Edmonton, Alberta. At Jean Marc and Angie's wedding it rained and snowed. During Cory and Lynsey's wedding rehearsal it rained. In every marriage there will be days of rain or snow. I told Cory and Jean Marc that they could needlessly avoid creating their own storms. I told them I loved them and was proud of the men they had become and offered them this advice. Four Things I Told My Sons Before They…
Bob Jones
July 27, 2014
7 Connections Between 9/11 and An Ancient Mystery Uncategorized

7 Connections Between 9/11 and An Ancient Mystery

History, coincidences and mystery - you've got to be interested in one of them. A friend suggested I read the book, “The Harbinger” because it combines all three. The book is an intriguing page-turner. Though it sounds like the script for a Hollywood thriller it’s based on historical occurrences. Reading this book is like eating chicken - consume the meat and cast aside the bones. The following observations may help you decide to pick up a copy and read it in more detail. Seven Observations From Jewish and American History 1. When the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre came down on September 11th, 2001, every building in proximity to the Towers was destroyed or badly damaged, except for…
Bob Jones
July 23, 2014
Sex, Education and Silence Uncategorized

Sex, Education and Silence

In the spring of 2014, the Edmonton Public School Board decided to no longer use the services of The Edmonton Pregnancy Care Centre (PCC) as guest presenters. Not much has changed since then. The PCC had been teaching its, “Wait! Let’s Talk Sex” in the Edmonton Public School system for nine years. They were invited in because of their expertise in presenting, with conviction, the abstinence option mandated by the Alberta government. Mandated, not optional. Clearly our elected representatives believe abstinence is a healthy choice to be understood when it comes to teen sexual relationships. Credible Presenters During the 2013 school year, The PCC taught over 15,000 students. There are multiple commendations on record for The PCC's presentation from both…
Bob Jones
July 17, 2014
How The World Sees You Uncategorized

How The World Sees You

The greatest gift you can give someone is to show them their highest value. This week a friend sent me a link to the Fascination Advantage® assessment. This is a new assessment about how the world sees you at your best. Sally Hogshead, the genius branding expert behind the assessment, gave me a code for 100 free surveys. It turns out that I'm "The Anchor." I learned some new things about myself.  I want to make sure you get the chance to learn the same about yourself. It will take you less than five minutes! Go to: 1. Enter the code BL-bobjones49ers and create a user account with your name, password, and email address. 2. Complete the assessment. (It takes…
Bob Jones
July 16, 2014