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Life Stories

The Michaels Are Home

Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig will forever be known as “the Michaels” in Canadian culture. For almost three years they longed for home. (more…)
Bob Jones
September 25, 2021
Life FormationLife Stories

We Love Julie Rohr

The mayor of Alberta’s greatest metropolis declared September 13-19, “Julie Rohr Week.” Julie Rohr was trending on twitter ahead of the Met Gala. Ryan Reynolds, Charles Adler, Rick Mercer, Glennon Doyle, Connor MacDavid, Colin Mochrie and a multitude of celebrities sent video greetings to her. Julie died on September 16, 2021, six years after a cancer diagnosis but not before finding her way into the hearts of thousands of Canadians. She was 39. (more…)
Bob Jones
September 17, 2021
Life FormationLife Stories

The Lightening Maker

As I turned off the corrugated dirt road, on to the smooth highway I saw it in my rear-view mirror. The beginnings of a lightning storm that would rival any storm I have ever experience before or since. (more…)
Bob Jones
September 13, 2021
Life Formation

Should Christians Be Held to a Higher Standard?

A local service provider, operating out of a church, abruptly went out of business. The clients felt they weren’t given enough advance notice to adequately prepare for the change. One person reacted by saying, “They are a Christian organization. I’m not religious, but shouldn’t they be treating people better than this?” (more…)
Bob Jones
September 1, 2021
Life Formation

Molding Forgiveness Before Life Poisons You

Have you ever found something in the back recesses of your refrigerator only to see that the tupperware container no longer holds what you thought was leftovers, but some sickening sewage with a matching rancid odour? You thought it was in a sealed ziplock, yet over time, and with much neglect, your midnight snack has morphed into a grade six science project? (more…)
Bob Jones
August 20, 2021