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Supernatural manifestations or signs and wonders, as described in the Bible, will always capture the attention of people. A sign or wonder in the life of a hurting individual effectively communicates the love that our Father has for mankind. Signs And Wonders I had just entered the Spirit-filled life and, of course, all of this “supernatural stuff” was totally new to me. One particular incident tremendously impressed me. Two brothers I had recently met became dear friends of mine. Both were filled with the Holy Spirit. I decided to “hang out” with them in order to learn as much as I could from them - a good strategy because the things of God are more likely to be caught than…
Bob Jones
January 11, 2018


One of the greatest gifts that God has given you is the gift of imagination. Everything starts with imagination. Nothing becomes reality unless first somebody imagines it. The term "Imagineering" was copyrighted by the Disney corporation in 1967 to describe the outcome of combining imagination and engineering. Imagination is the ability to create through mental pictures. The Bible uses the phrase "sound mind" which describes an imagination dedicated to God. (2 Timothy 1:6) I believe God allows us to see things through faith that we didn’t think were possible in order to remind us of our potential. When you see Amy Purdy, you see what imagination - seeing with the eyes of faith - can do. Dancing With No Legs…
Bob Jones
February 8, 2016
What Can You Accomplish in a Minute? Uncategorized

What Can You Accomplish in a Minute?

Minutes are to us as miracles are to God. Think about it…minutes are what define our lives. We get 1440 of them every day. We know minutes like fish know water. They are so second nature to us that we are unaware of their passage. Miracles are what define God. Miracles are second nature to Him. If a conception/birth is a miracle then there are over 250 of them every minute on our planet. That’s well over a quarter million every week. 95% of our entire universe is held together by an unknown "dark energy." That's a miracle everyday for us. The 'chance' coincidence of so many trillion possibilities that had to be exactly right for a universe and life…
Bob Jones
October 21, 2013