Things were working out just as Diana planned: find a good man to be a loving husband; buy a house; start a family; make the house into a home; live happily ever after.
On June 26, 2022, Josh Manson held the Stanley Cup high over his head and skated around Amalie Arena in Tamp Bay. Josh came from a storied NHL family, but he attributed his faith in God to making him a champion.
Angelina Jolie's movie, "Unbroken," pulls no punches in showing the savagery inflicted on Louis Zamperini, but she also took great pains to create a loving testament to his courage and character.
Robert Fulghum wrote a bestseller in 1989 called, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. Fulghum got me thinking about where many people like me had their first introduction to Easter - in a Sunday School class.