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You are part of an education in unconditional love. Every person you meet is your homework. Life is the classroom. God is the teacher. You are His student. Life long learners go to the head of the class. Problems are simply part of the curriculum. Sometimes you may feel like you're failing but this is when you are learning the most. What doesn't challenge you, doesn't change you. In school you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In God's classroom you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson. Jesus turns tests into testimonies, messes into messages and trials into triumphs. Pain doesn’t mean God is punishing you; He is preparing you. Trust His plan not your pain.…
Bob Jones
September 20, 2015

ALISHA’S STORY: 5-4-3-2-1

Thank you Alisha Jans-Lemoine for this guest post. Your vulnerability and candor are courageous. 5..4..3..2..1.. The count down has started. It actually started 360 days ago, give or take a couple hours. Like the countdown on New Years Eve, there’s nothing to stop it. At midnight the ball drops, everyone sings and we start a new year of hope, promises and resolutions. It starts whether or not we want it to. But we can prepare for it, make plans and be more or less ready for when it arrives. No Warning My ball dropped almost 365 days ago with no countdown, no warning, no notice. I was unprepared in every sense of the word. I couldn’t prepare or sing or…
Bob Jones
September 16, 2015

Kez McCorvey’s Story: Under Control

Big hits, broken bones and torn ligaments are part of the risk every pro football player takes in exchange for the promise of gridiron glory. However, its the hits off the field that can do the most damage to a player. Kez McCorvey knows about torn ligaments, crushed dreams and broken hearts. He won a National Championship in the NCAA and had careers in the NFL and CFL. Listening to McCorvey on North Pointe's 2015 Green and Gold Kick-Off Sunday, was a reminder that life, like football, can be a dangerous sport. A Born Athlete Born January 23, 1972 in Mississippi, McCorvey grew up with three siblings in a poor environment, without a father, and with his mother on welfare.…
Bob Jones
September 13, 2015


Cotton Candy, Sno-Kones, Face Painting, a Petting Zoo, Horseback rides, Bouncy Castles, Hot Dogs, and prizes. Put ‘em all together with sunshine and you’ve painted a picture of a perfect Saturday at North Pointe's Annual Family Carnival. We’ve been holding Fall and Winter Carnivals for elevn years. Here’s why… 11 Reasons Why We Host Carnivals at North Pointe 1. We were first in to our community. In 2006 when we moved in, our nearest neighbors were deer, rabbits and moose. Being first into a community is a privilege so we want to set the pace as a good neighbor. North Pointe a welcoming community Sunday to Saturday. 2. Our carnivals are FREE community parties. People like FREE. (our next Carnival…
Bob Jones
September 12, 2015


Your most vital responsibility is managing yourself. Self-management is critical in the area of inspiration. Great leaders learn how to self-motivate. I've collected the following quotes from mentors and momentous experiences in my life. I know there's at least one in there for you. 18 Inspiring Statements Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's…
Bob Jones
September 11, 2015


They are all around us....people whose pain has them on the edge of eternity. People take their life not because they want to die but because they want their pain to stop. Suicide is not a victimless choice. I know that through personal experience. Robin Williams In the summer of 2014 Robin Williams shocked the world by taking his own life. Read the impact statements of William's daughter. "While I’ll never, ever understand how he could be loved so deeply and not find it in his heart to stay, there’s minor comfort in knowing our grief and loss, in some small way, is shared with millions. It doesn’t help the pain, but at least it’s a burden countless others now…
Bob Jones
September 9, 2015


What is the best measure of a man? Is a man a man because of his biceps, triceps or concepts? Is it strength, toughness or kindness that makes a man? Or is something else? Garry Lefebvre: A True Gentle Man One of the toughest and the most gentle man I know is Garry Lefebvre. He served as an elder and a leader of men at North Pointe Church. His wife Sandy, their four children and grand kids knew that best. Garry was a two-time Grey Cup champion. His award-winning CFL career spanned a decade in which he played wide receiver and punter for the Edmonton Eskimos and Montreal Alouettes. Tough? Garry played through a broken ankle, dislocation and shredded ligaments…
Bob Jones
September 2, 2015


No subject in astronomy is more intriguing than the "pale blue dot" - the first solar system selfie. The immortal image is Planet Earth on February 14, 1990, taken by the Voyager 1 space probe from a distance of about 6 billion kilometers. (Can you see yourself waving?) Voyager 1 had completed its primary mission and as it left our solar system took one last photograph of Earth. Of the 640,000 individual pixels that compose each frame, Earth takes up 0.12 pixels, according to NASA. A Mote of Dust Suspended on a Sunbeam Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it, everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you've heard of, every human being who…
Bob Jones
August 26, 2015


I had a front row seat to witness the profound results of a choice. We'd just concluded the first week of summer Day Camp at North Pointe. The entire facility was turned over to our Children's Ministry team so that kids to experience "Cave Quest: Following Jesus." North Pointe came alive with over 200 energetic campers and leaders on site. North Pointe’s Children’s Ministry delivered a multi-media rich, entertaining and inspiring presentation entitled, “The Choice” on a Sunday morning. Of the seventy plus participants, 90% are less than 5 feet tall on their tiptoes (that includes one of our vertically challenged adult leaders). They did us proud as they took us on a journey of choices from the first verse…
Bob Jones
August 23, 2015

People of the Cross: The 21 Martyrs

There they were, for all the world to see - 21 orange clad men  - kneeling on a beach. Most were Egyptians, working in Libya, trying to make some money and a future, just like the rest of us. They were captured by ISIS, tortured and threatened with death. Their crime? They were "people of the cross." Each one was given the chance to save their life by renouncing Christianity and embracing Islam. They chose to say, "No." Their last words were, "Lord Jesus Christ." People of the Cross 24-year-old Luqa Najati, a newlywed working in Libya to build a life for his family in Egypt. Najati didn’t know his wife was pregnant when he left to search for work.…
Bob Jones
August 21, 2015