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My family is disowning me. My father-in-law will not let me come home for Christmas. My daughter Emily is telling me to take it off. My wife can't believe what I have done.   This is a guest post from the Eric Derksen, President of Vanguard college and newest family to North Pointe. (When I had coffee with Eric I realized you can take the man out of Jet country but you can't take the Jets completely out of the man.) My name is Eric Derksen and I am a disciple of Jesus. I am also a husband and a father, and now serve as the President of Vanguard College in Edmonton, Alberta - the home of the Oilers. Our…
Bob Jones
November 4, 2015


When Trevor was four years old, his dad tragically died in a car accident leaving his mom with seven children to raise on her own. His parents were medical missionaries and had moved to Nigeria from Canada in the 1960’s to plant a hospital, and serve people in a little village called Iyale, deep in the tropical rain forest of central Nigeria. FEAR AND FAITH As a result, Trevor grew up with some deep insecurities and fears: the fear of his future without a dad, the fear of death, and the fear of separation from his family. He was that child who asked the tough questions like: “Why did daddy have to die? “ and “Why did God take daddy…
Bob Jones
November 1, 2015


Republican U.S. presidential candidate businessman Donald Trump (L) listens as Dr. Ben Carson (R) speaks at the 2016 U.S. Republican presidential candidates debate held by CNBC in Boulder, Colorado, October 28, 2015. REUTERS/Rick Wilking As a Christian pastor, it’s so easy to be misunderstood on social issues. I believe in the biblical view of marriage of one man and one woman. Its easy to draw incorrect assumptions from that statement. I can be friends with people who don’t see things the way I do–or don’t hold the same beliefs. Having different beliefs doesn’t make me intolerant. Enter Dr. Ben Carson Carson is running for the Republican Presidential nomination. This American has something good for people to hear. This is obviously…
Bob Jones
October 30, 2015


Richard St. John knows adventure. * He spent a year on a ten-speed bike cycling halfway around the world. * He has run over 50 marathons (26 miles) on all seven continents (fastest time: 2 hours, 43 minutes). * He and his wife Baiba have climbed Kilimanjaro in Africa, and Aconcagua in South America. * They have been married for over 35 years, a success in itself these days. A teenage girl seated beside him on a cross-country plane trip sent him off on his greatest adventure. She learned that he was a millionaire-business owner and told him she wished she had lots of money just like successful people. She asked him... He told her, "I guess so." Then she…
Bob Jones
October 25, 2015


I have a confession…actually, three of them. They relate to pastors of youth, like North Pointe's Jeremy Gifford who is one of the finest pastors I know. That's not my confession...its my conviction. Some people view the role of a youth pastor as a "stepping stone" to becoming a "real" pastor. Not me. I served as a pastor of youth for ten years of my thirty-six year pastoral ministry. Those ten years were some of THE best years that I experienced as a pastor and I've had a lot of great years. Read my 3 confessions here... I write to inspire people to be real, grow an authentic faith in Jesus, enjoy healthy relationships and discover their life purpose. If…
Bob Jones
October 20, 2015


“There’s somebody under all that stuff!” a young man shouted. My eyes were open but I couldn’t see. I couldn’t breathe either. I had been winded before but this was different. I really couldn’t breathe. All I could do was pray silently, “God I have to live. Anna is pregnant and I have to be there to help her bring up the baby.” Finally I sucked in a tiny breath with searing pain. I could see dimly. One shoe and my glasses were gone. I could hear myself groaning as people were pulling twisted shelves, cans and ceiling tiles off of me. My mind reeled. How Did I Get Here? It was the day before our first anniversary June 21,…
Bob Jones
October 18, 2015


People matter to God - those four words  sum up who North Pointe is and why we do what do. The North Pointe family includes people from 85 nations and every continent of the world! People come as they are.  They belong, believe and become the person God created them to be. 10 MEMORIES FROM 2015 ONE: We launched our 3rd Sunday service in September 7, 2014 as an option for people who needed a later service time on a Sunday.  This service quickly developed its own unique character. If you haven't attended a 3rd service yet, come to one this year! A hi-lite was our Hispanic after-church luncheon with delicious foods from El Salvador and Guatemala cooked by none…
Bob Jones
October 14, 2015

Canada’s Hopes Rest on a Knuckleball

Canadians are going to learn more about the "knuckleball" today than they ever wanted to know and were afraid to ask. The hopes of a nation hang on a pitch that is at best described as a "eating soup with a fork." Put a little too much spin on the ball or throw it just a little too fast and you're basically serving up a batting-practice pitch that the hitter can feast on. Former Pittsburg Pirate, Willie Stargell said, "Throwing a knuckleball for a strike is like throwing a butterfly with hiccups across the street into your neighbor's mailbox." A knuckleball catcher says, "Catching the knuckleball, it's like trying to catch a fly with a chopstick." KNUCKLEHEAD or KNUCKLEBALL A…
Bob Jones
October 12, 2015


What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday? THANKSGIVING is one day on the calendar. THANKSLIVING is an attitude in your heart. "Give thanks to God—he is good     and his love never quits." 2 Chronicles 16:34 (The Message) APPLICATION: What are you thankful today? Please leave a comment below.  THANK YOU. I write to inspire people to be real, grow an authentic faith in Jesus, enjoy healthy relationships and discover their life purpose. If this material is helpful to you, please follow me. Subscribe. I’ll put helpful content into your email box on Mondays and Thursdays, as well as upcoming events at North Pointe Community Church, Edmonton, Alberta. Follow on Twitter. I daily tweet info I…
Bob Jones
October 11, 2015

7 Ways A Walk Can Change Your World

Bruce Wilkinson wrote the book, "The Prayer of Jabez." The book instantly became a best seller. Why? Because Wilkinson took an obscure character from a portion of the Old Testament that a lot of readers skip over or yawn through and brought him alive. Bruce saw something in the Old Testament and people loved what he saw. Wilkinson gets the same result with the rest of the Old Testament in his "Walk Thru The Old Testament" live event coming to North Pointe October 23rd and 24th. 7 Reasons To Attend the Walk Thru The Old Testament Event 1. Its THE BEST FIVE HOURS YOU'LL EVER SPEND WITH YOUR BIBLE: Where else could you learn the entire Old Testament in five…
Bob Jones
October 4, 2015