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Facebook was in the news for all the wrong reasons this week. Is now the time to delete Facebook? No. Opportunity Facebook is a platform to share lots of things - one of which is hope. On Christmas Eve 2017, North Pointe had its highest ever single day attendance - 3,300 people. Hundreds of guests came to North Pointe because of an ad seen by Facebook users. North Pointers shared it to invite their friends and family. Canadian, Thom Rainer of Growing Healthy Churches says, "If you're not using Facebook you’re missing a huge opportunity to reach people." Users * 59 billion monthly active users * 1.038 billion daily users * 72% of online adults visit Facebook at least monthly.…
Bob Jones
March 21, 2018


Few Christian programs have had the reach that the Alpha Course has had since its start as a local program at Holy Trinity Brompton Church in London, UK, to a worldwide movement beginning in 1990. Globally over 20 million people have participated in the Alpha Course, hosted in churches, community centers, campuses, boardrooms, prisons and pubs. There have been over 1 million people in Canada alone that have participated in the Alpha Course! Shaila Visser is the National Director of Alpha Canada. She is a frequent guest on 100 Huntley Street, 700 Club Canada and conference speaker. Here's her perspective on why Alpha is a great way to connect with the community around you. Why did you first become involved…
Bob Jones
March 11, 2018
Life Formation


Just before Christmas 2017 the Government of Canada gifted a stocking full of coal to Christian charitable groups requesting funding for its Canada Summer Jobs program. Only those non-profit groups that hold the same views as the government on matters of abortion, and sexual moral norms will be eligible to apply. Ideological screening has become the new vogue for groups requesting funding for the program. Canada Summer Jobs Paula Simons, a self-declared pro-choice feminist and I, rarely land on the same side of political issues. I have to give Justin Trudeau’s government all the credit for uniting us on this issue. Simons wrote on January 17, 2018: “I find myself deeply disturbed by a new federal rule that says any small…
Bob Jones
March 7, 2018


It’s really an odd thing: Billy Graham was world famous for talking about someone else. Think about it. Billy Graham: The Messenger Billy Graham believed God knew no borders or nationalities. Throughout his career Graham preached Jesus to some 215 million people in 400 missions in more than 185 countries. He reached millions more for Jesus through TV, video, film, the Internet and 34 books. His ministry spanned nearly eight decades with NO scandal yet his lasting legacy was his ability to preach a timeless message of Jesus in a timely way, through biblically-based and socially relevant sermons. His bedrock conviction was that Jesus Christ was God’s salvation for a lost world. Billy Graham: The Man Humble. His favorite food?…
Bob Jones
March 4, 2018


Just when I was beginning to catch up with the Joneses (Pastor Bob is a writing friend of mine) – I got tired, really tired. That tiredness turned into burnout, and that burnout turned into anxiety and depression. And then one day, after a season of trials, I couldn’t get out of bed. I couldn’t drive my kids to school, or cook dinner, or shower, because I was mentally ill. Battling For My Life I began having panic attacks that turned into a full-blown panic disorder. Then I developed a life changing anxiety disorder, OCD, and deep depression. I went from “how does she do it all” to stuttering, faint spells, heart palpitations, irrational fears, and despairing and suicidal thoughts. Thrust…
Bob Jones
February 28, 2018


"Welcome home, friend." "Steve?" The unmistakable voice of Steve McQueen hadn't lost it's edge. Billy And Steve On November 3, 1980, four days before his death from cancer, Hollywood's "Mr Cool" had his wish come true. McQueen wanted to meet evangelist Billy Graham for some time, and on that day, Mr. Graham paid him a visit. The pair prayed together and talked about the afterlife. McQueen told him how his faith in Christ helped him deal with the cancer. At the end of their meeting, Billy Graham left McQueen his personal Bible. Inside, he wrote the date, along with a message: “To my friend Steve McQueen, may God bless and keep you always.” He signed his name, along with a…
Bob Jones
February 22, 2018


Words ultimately matter. Plain and simple. Less Is More As a pastor/teacher/writer I am constantly learning. My biggest lesson of the past twelve months? “Less is more.” It’s been a challenging lesson to learn but this trilogy of words is now a guiding light for me. They got me thinking – what else can be said that is meaningful, true and wise in three words? I asked associates, writers and social media friends to share three words they live by. Read through them. Who said them? Made you smile? Got a favorite? Post a comment. 3 Words To Live By I need coffee. Nothing is impossible. Never ever quit. Ideals. Action. Altruism. Eat more sushi. Make a difference. Be a…
Bob Jones
February 15, 2018


The last thing you should ever do is tell Lauren Woolstencroft the odds. Lauren has done more in the first sentence of her Wikipedia page than I’ve done in my lifetime. She's an 8 x gold medalist Para-alpine skier. Though retired for ten years, the 2018 Winter Olympics put her courageous story back in the news. Dominant Few Canadian women dominated a sport the way Lauren did alpine skiing. During her 12-year run with the Canadian Para-Alpine ski team she earned more than 50 International Paralympic Committee (IPC) World Cup wins, eight world championships, and four Crystal Globes for overall success in multiple downhill disciplines. She won two gold medals and a bronze at the 2002 Paralympics in Salt Lake…
Bob Jones
February 11, 2018


There's never a bad time to QUIT doing things that are draining the life out of you and START doing things that will get your life back. Like - stop waiting for the perfect moment to start and get going. Now. So what are you waiting for? 8 Things To Quit (Before Its Too Late) Quit: 1. Trying to please everyone. 2. Fearing change. 3. Living in the past. 4. Overthinking. 5. Being afraid to be different. 6. Beating yourself up over mistakes. 7. Thinking you're not good enough. 8. Thinking you have no purpose. Start Something Good Giving up is not in my nature. Feeling like giving up is. More often than I care to admit. Quit any the…
Bob Jones
February 7, 2018