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Life Stories

Jocelyn: Parsing Through Memories

The smile lit up her face as she held the garment up. For 68 years it had been lovingly stored in her cedar chest. Yellowed with age, the lace and seams were brittle, still the garment was beautiful and filled with memories - her wedding dress. (more…)
Bob Jones
January 27, 2022
Life FormationLife Stories

I’m Lisa LaFlamme

Lisa LaFlamme is one of the last voices Jocelyn and I hear most nights before shutting off the lights in our living room. Monday to Friday we see the very last thing she does in her day, which is present a news cast. That all changed in June 2022. (more…)
Bob Jones
January 22, 2022
Life Formation

You Are What You Love

Anyone who has ever failed to keep a New Year’s resolution will accept the thesis of You Are What You Love: Human beings don’t do what we know we ought to do; instead, we do what, deep down, we want to do. (more…)
Bob Jones
January 4, 2022