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Life Formation

Still Water: A Metaphor For Life

Toss a small pebble into a still pond and it will make a quiet splash with a large ripple effect. Soon after, the water returns to the calm state that was before. Have you noticed that still water never over or under-reacts? (more…)
Bob Jones
September 24, 2022
Life Formation

World Class Mental Toughness

Steve Siebold is an ex-tennis player who studied the habits, thought processes, and philosophies of world class performers for twenty years. Then he put it all together in a best-selling book about mental toughness. (more…)
Bob Jones
September 15, 2022
Life Formation

7 Questions That Unlock Success

Questions rock. Jim Collins (Good to Great, Great by Choice) says that all the leaders should work to double their question to statement ratio within 12 months. Then double it again in the following 12 months. (more…)
Bob Jones
September 15, 2022
Life Stories

Thank You, Ma’am For Everything

The world awakened to a depth of feelings about Queen Elizabeth II when she passed away on September 8th. Queen Elizabeth was loved and admired around the world and in our family. Even those who never cared about the Queen’s life, cared about the Queen’s death. Vanishingly few Britons now remember a pre-Elizabethan age. (more…)
Bob Jones
September 11, 2022