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Life FormationLife Stories

From Broken to Better Than New

Most normal repairs of broken things hide themselves, like nicely sealed super glue fixes. The usual intent is simply to make something “as good as new.” Yet the art of Kintsugi reinforces a profound belief that the repair can make things better than new. (more…)
Bob Jones
July 11, 2022
Life FormationLife Stories

MacKenzee Wittke’s Story: Hope Endures

Mackenzee Wittke is a "one-in-a-billion" little girl. "Kenzee," as her family affectionately calls her, was born with a medical condition that has baffled experts from around the world. Her condition is so rare that the "Mackenzee Wittke Syndrome" was named after her. in August 2022, Kenzee celebrates her 13th birthday. (more…)
Jones Bob
July 11, 2022
Life FormationLife Stories

The Lemonade Stand Millionaires

Sydney and Taylor Woodworth and their friends don’t just turn lemons into lemonade, they masterminded an endeavour that helps seriously ill children find hope and in the process learned that giving makes you feel like a million dollars. 2022 is the 13th and final year for the Lemonade Stand. Their work is one of the top feel good stories of my life. (more…)
Bob Jones
July 8, 2022
Life Stories

Captain Canada: Christine Sinclair

Christine Sinclair stood in silence on the pitch of Old Trafford – her dreams in tatters. It was a gut-wrenching loss. Now it would take courage to re-group her team and travel to Coventry and the Bronze medal match against France. (more…)
Bob Jones
June 28, 2022