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What Are the Odds of That? Uncategorized

What Are the Odds of That?

New words are always entering the English language. One such recent word is “godwink.” Have you heard it or used it yet? It was coined by SQuire Rushnell. He says a “godwink” is what some people would call a coincidence, an answered prayer, or simply an experience where you'd say, "Wow, what are the odds of that!" Think about when you were a kid and someone who loved you gave you a little wink across the dining room table...Mom or Dad or Grandma. You didn't say "What do you mean by that?" You knew. It meant: "Hey kid, I'm thinking about you right now." That's what a godwink is too: a message of reassurance, directly to you, out of six…
Bob Jones
October 3, 2012
A 13 Year Old Will Lead Them Uncategorized

A 13 Year Old Will Lead Them

Are your beliefs consistent to the core? Jesus, from the cross, said, “Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34) To us this makes little sense. His death was no accident; it was murder. But Jesus forgave. Profound. Forgiving goes right to the core of a belief in Jesus. Two days ago (Tuesday September 18th) a little girl stood at the front of a hushed Ottawa courtroom, ready to tell the convicted killer who repeatedly raped her before murdering a police officer that she was prepared to forgive him, just like Jesus would. She was 10 when she was raped. The now 13-year-old made it through just two sentences before breaking down in tears. A…
Bob Jones
September 20, 2012
Virtual Choir Uncategorized

Virtual Choir

Eric Whitacre is a Grammy award winning composer and conductor. He became a YouTube sensation when he posted a video of himself conducting one of his compositions. He invited people to follow his lead, video themselves singing his song and submit the video to him. People from around the world responded. Their videos were combined together creating a virtual choir - and the video went viral. A 2nd and 3rd effort culminated in April 2012 with over 3000 people from 78 countries singing together. I think of God having sent out a message that He would conduct His composition. He invited people to follow His lead and sing His song. The melody is about grace and the harmony is about…
Bob Jones
September 3, 2012
Halle’s Hope Uncategorized

Halle’s Hope

This past Sunday at North Pointe we prayed for five-year-old Halle Popowich of St Albert, who was diagnosed with a rare form of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Without a bone marrow transplant, doctors have pegged her chances of survival at between five and 20 per cent. I was touched by the people who came up to me asking how they could find out if they were a match for Halle. Dad Kurt and mom Deana are appealing for people to get tested, even if they don’t wind up being a match for Halle. “It’s not just about Halle,” Deana said. “We feel happy that we can use her story to help so many other people. We’ve met so many other…
Bob Jones
August 30, 2012


Every time someone says, “yes” to Jesus, the world changes for the better. I liken the results to the “ripple effect”...the expanding series of effects or consequences that are the result of a single event or action. Ripple Effect We’ve all done it - taken a stone and thrown it into a body of water and watched the concentric circles ripple outward from the point of impact. You are tied to all of that. You’re tied to the stone. You’re tied to the water. You have caused change through a single and simple act. Acts 2 The Book of Acts, chapter two, shows what one “yes” can do. Weeks earlier, Peter, a disciple of Jesus said “yes” when Jesus asked…
Bob Jones
August 20, 2012
My Own Personal Podium Uncategorized

My Own Personal Podium

We've been going through our ALL IN series on Sundays at North Pointe.  Cindy Glubish writes, "I’ve been watching a lot of the Olympics. I have shed a few million tears. I’ve been inspired so many times I can’t begin to sum it up. As a result, I decided to research Olympic training technique. Unending amounts of information popped up. I’m sure you are not surprised by that. I wasn't." "There is only so much I can do in a month and I am going to prepare myself the best that I can." -Michael Phelps- Read her complete contribution here.
Bob Jones
August 8, 2012
FUEL FOR GOLD Uncategorized


Tamara Oudenaarden is a retired Canadian speed skater and was a member of the Winter Olympic Team in 2010. Tamara is also a believer and a friend. I asked her to talk about one of the least observable but vitally important parts of Olympic training and how she applies that to faith. Fuel For Gold “Training is a major aspect of sport but something that people look past is the recovery which is an essential part of an athlete’s world. Fueling your body with the right things at the right time, or jumping into cold bath’s or pulling on your recovery tights are so important if you want to keep your performance level up day after day. Its essential to…
Bob Jones
July 31, 2012
Saviour of Union Uncategorized

Saviour of Union

One million people showed up at his funeral. For 19th century New York, that was a lot of people. If its true that the number of people at your funeral is indicative of the breadth of influence you have, Ulysses S. Grant was a man of note. Grant played a significant role in the history of the United States. A General, a President and “the Saviour of the Union” – weighty responsibilities for one man to shoulder. Mitchell Yockelson, author of, “Grant: Saviour of the Union,” wrote, “He carried himself as though he hadn’t a care in the world, and this is a testament to an inner strength that helped him persevere during rough periods throughout his life.” History, for…
Jones Bob
July 15, 2012


What comes into your mind when you think about God? What's the first word? What's the first feeling? One of my favorite resources for growing faith in God is written by A. W. Tozer - The Knowledge of the Holy. Are you are trying to increase your knowledge of God? Consider the following: 4 Insights About Your Idea Of God 1. "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."  What do you think of - and how do you feel - when you think about God? 2. "Man’s spiritual history will positively demonstrate that no religion has ever been greater than its idea of God. Worship is as pure or base…
Jones Bob
July 12, 2012


For thousands of years the curious and the romantic have studied the night sky and wondered if anything else is out there. Four centuries ago Galileo Galilie answered the question of the ages. He trained a telescope on the heavens and saw objects that no other person had ever seen: hundreds of stars, mountains on the Moon, satellites of Jupiter. Since then we've found planets around other stars, one hundred billion stars in our galaxy, and hundreds of billions of galaxies beyond our own. The 4% Universe According to physicists most of the Universe is still to be discovered. In 2010, Richard Panek, a journalist not a physicist, summed up what he gleaned from physicists by saying, “only 4 percent…
Jones Bob
July 7, 2012