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Life Stories

Rising Strong: Bob, Jocelyn And Brene Brown Life FormationLife Stories

Rising Strong: Bob, Jocelyn And Brene Brown

We were young and newly married - not just the "honeymoon stage - the literal honeymoon. Jocelyn and I spent the first eighty five days of our marriage preparing for and then serving on a missions assignment in Northern Ontario. The ministry was hard. Fatigue and discouragement got to us. We failed to finish our assignment. We quit. Falling And Rising Bags packed and seat-belted in for the milk-run on a Bearskin Airlines Metroliner, more than our stomachs were upset. We left Attawapiskat on James Bay with heads down. Never had we failed like this before. We let down our missions director. We let ourselves down. Looking back, Brené Brown's book, Rising Strong would have been the perfect tonic for…
Bob Jones
October 2, 2021
We Love Julie Rohr Life FormationLife Stories

We Love Julie Rohr

The mayor of Alberta’s greatest metropolis declared September 13-19, “Julie Rohr Week.” Julie Rohr was trending on twitter ahead of the Met Gala. Ryan Reynolds, Charles Adler, Rick Mercer, Glennon Doyle, Connor MacDavid, Colin Mochrie and a multitude of celebrities sent video greetings to her. Julie died on September 16, 2021, six years after a cancer diagnosis but not before finding her way into the hearts of thousands of Canadians. She was 39.
Bob Jones
September 17, 2021