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St Albert

Heroes in Life and Death Uncategorized

Heroes in Life and Death

Canada paused June 10, 2014 to honor three men who served their country as RCMP officers. I sat with some of our church staff to watch portions of the broadcast of the funeral service in Moncton, New Brunswick. At that time I blogged, "It is sobering to think this could have happened in St Albert where I live - the safest city of its size in Canada." And now "it" has happened in St Albert. Senseless Deaths Const. David Wynn, 42, and Auxiliary Const. Derek Bond, 49, were investigating a report of a stolen vehicle inside the Apex Casino on Saturday January 17th when they were both shot by 34-year-old Shawn Rehn. Bond was released from hospital after being shot…
Bob Jones
June 10, 2014