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Life Formation

In The Winter Of Your Soul

One of the biggest mental health issues I see on a regular basis isn’t depression or anxiety. According to Dr Merry Lin, "Its people who are languishing. Languishing is not the presence of mental illness; it’s the absence of mental and emotional vitality." It’s the "winter of your soul." (more…)
Bob Jones
December 14, 2020
Health MattersLife Formation


Think about how we respond to mental illness in the church. A woman diagnosed with cancer experiences sympathy, hugs, prayers and casseroles. A woman diagnosed with a mental illness experiences silence, suspicion, blame, and far too often, shame. That’s called “stigma.” There is no stigma with cancer, heart disease or diabetes. How did we get to the place where those who are struggling with their mental health feel like they must hide in shame? (more…)
Bob Jones
May 8, 2020
Health MattersLife Formation

6 Stages of Grief: Rick And Kay Warren

Rick and Kay Warren were devastated when their 27-year old son Matthew committed suicide in April 2013. Their grief was unimaginable. Matthew had suffered from depression all of his life. In September 2013 the Warrens gave their first public interview with CNN. Piers Morgan called it “one of the most moving interviews I conducted in my life.” (more…)
Bob Jones
March 1, 2020
Life Formation

PTSD And Me: Craig Silverson’s Story Part 2

This is Part 2 of Cpl Craig Silverson's journey through PTSD. You can follow him at @CraigSilverson There was no escaping it! From helmet to boots.  Once you stepped off, it was there. Moon dust. It was  so fine, similar to baby powder, that underneath my feet tiny clouds would appear. To my surprise the landscape had changed and the terrain had become hard and clay like.  Fractured.  The stark contrast captivated me. An image that I would later see when I looked in the mirror. Underneath the surface and often barely evident was our biggest threat,  Improvised Explosive Devices. Now my anger had become my own IED and  the slightest thing would set me off! I desperately wanted my…
Bob Jones
November 10, 2019