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7 Ways A Walk Can Change Your World Uncategorized

7 Ways A Walk Can Change Your World

Bruce Wilkinson wrote the book, "The Prayer of Jabez." The book instantly became a best seller. Why? Because Wilkinson took an obscure character from a portion of the Old Testament that a lot of readers skip over or yawn through and brought him alive. Bruce saw something in the Old Testament and people loved what he saw. Wilkinson gets the same result with the rest of the Old Testament in his "Walk Thru The Old Testament" live event coming to North Pointe October 23rd and 24th. 7 Reasons To Attend the Walk Thru The Old Testament Event 1. Its THE BEST FIVE HOURS YOU'LL EVER SPEND WITH YOUR BIBLE: Where else could you learn the entire Old Testament in five…
Bob Jones
October 4, 2015
Free Mobile Friendly Bible Reading Plans: 2015 Uncategorized

Free Mobile Friendly Bible Reading Plans: 2015

Make 2015 your best year in the Bible ever! Here are two FREE reading plans that will build you up every day. No regrets: Get into the Bible and get the Bible into you in 2015. No excuses: With Bible reading apps like YouVersion, there is every reason to be able to use your smartphone or mobile devices to access the Bible everyday. And did I mention, they are FREE. 1. DAY BY DAY WITH BILLY GRAHAM I chose the "Billy Graham Reading Plan" for North Pointe this year because of Dr. Graham's unequaled, worldwide influence. You may never get to meet Billy Graham in person but reading his devotionals could bring heaven to your soul and your soul to…
Bob Jones
December 28, 2014
The Top 10 Verses of the Bible Uncategorized

The Top 10 Verses of the Bible

25,000,000 Bible searches can't be wrong. is my favourite site for sourcing Bible verses from multiple translations. I've wondered - "Which Bible verses are the most popular?" The people at beat me to the punch. They thought it would be interesting to find out which verses were searched the most. So they crunched some numbers from a (relatively) small sample of 25 million Bible passage searches from March and April 2014. Their list considered instances in which users looked at three or fewer verses at one time. If you’re curious to know what the least popular Bible passage is, it’s 1 Chronicles 23-27, which details the organization of the priests and officials under King David. The top…
Bob Jones
October 29, 2014


I asked over 1200 people to write down their favorite Bible verse on a card. Most wrote from memory. Some wrote from the New Testament they had just received, courtesy of the Gideons of Canada. After sifting through hundreds of cards, I quickly concluded 3 things: 1. A wide variety of Old and New Testament verses mean something very special to people. I went through 38 cards before I found my first duplicate verse. There were literally 100's of different favorites. 2. The most popular verses in this given sample were: Jeremiah 29:11 Romans 8:28,29 John 3:16 Proverbs 3:5,6 Psalm 23:1 3. The Bible is a rich source of inspiration and direction for people at North Pointe. Many who wrote…
Bob Jones
October 15, 2014
A Crisis of Biblical Proportions Uncategorized

A Crisis of Biblical Proportions

Canada is in a crisis, one which most Canadians are unaware. Its not a crisis of cash based on the latest stock market crash. It is a famine. A famine that is more dangerous than a lack of food. It is unfolding in unexpected places – the homes and hearts of Christians. Canadians in general and surprisingly, Christians in particular, have turned their back on the Bible. TURNING OUR BACKS OR GETTING BACK TO THE BIBLE Only 14% of Canadian Christians actually read the Bible at least once per week.  Over 75% of Canadian Christians seldom or NEVER read the Bible. The Canadian Bible Engagement Study of 2013 revealed that: Confidence in the Bible is at an all-time low. Many…
Bob Jones
October 11, 2014


The Bible is a book that has talking animals, wizards, witches, demons, sticks turning into snakes, food falling from the sky, and a person who walks on water – who wouldn’t want to read it? There are lots of things in the Bible for you, including the power to change your thinking, your beliefs, your future, your health and your relationships. FIVE REASONS TO PAY ATTENTION TO THE BIBLE 1. The Bible heals broken hearts.  There's a story of a rabbi who always told his people that if they studied the Torah, it would put Scripture ON their hearts. One of them asked, "Why on our hearts, and not in them?" The rabbi answered, "Only God can put Scripture inside.…
Bob Jones
September 7, 2014


“Ecce Homo” ("Behold the Man") was a prized Spanish fresco — for over a century - the pride of the Sanctuary of Mercy Church in Borja, near Zaragoza. The condition of the painting was gradually deteriorating. Can The Man Be Saved? A concerned, eighty year-old congregant was distraught over its worsening condition. She decided to take matters into her own hands and attempted to restore the painting. What was left looks like a child’s finger painting. Art historians are now discussing if the painting can be saved. The Image of Jesus The story reminds me of well intentioned academics who alter the image of Jesus in an attempt to fit a value system they feel will help people see Jesus…
Bob Jones
March 4, 2014
A Personal Relationship with Jesus Uncategorized

A Personal Relationship with Jesus

North Pointe exists to see a personal relationship with Jesus grow in everyone; everyday. Having a personal relationship with Jesus is not a trite or trivialized idea  - its God's idea. Don't miss the profound in the familiar words of John 3:16 - "...God so loved the world..." That's a love for a world of people - a love that is personal. God wants a relationship with YOU. A healthy relationship is based on: 1. TRUST Trust is conditional. "I trust you because..." is a reasonable perspective. God is trustworthy because He is the loving Creator. He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. He knew you before you were born. He numbers all of your days and the hairs on your…
Jones Bob
January 17, 2014
A Bible Reading Plan for You Uncategorized

A Bible Reading Plan for You

It’s the START that STOPS the average person. Don't get stopped at START. Here are three things that have made a big difference in getting me STARTED everyday in reading the Bible. 1. Prioritize. First things should be first. Its so easy to become distracted. Before I read anything else, I read a portion of the Bible. Just doing that reminds my spirit that the Bible is vital for my life. 2. Digitize. I use the Youversion Bible app on my smartphone. Its free. Its easy to use. It makes the Bible handy. I can instantly access a couple of dozen versions if I want to see a verse from different angles. I use a printed version of the Bible…
Bob Jones
January 5, 2014