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In the same way your body needs oxygen, your soul needs hope.

We are raising the hope level in the souls of our community and our country.

The Bible does that.


We use the Bible every week in our worship and teaching times. I often speak about the Bible and its importance. Many people ask for a Bible after our services.

One Sunday a young professional came to me very enthusiastic about her recent experiences with the Bible. She decided to put a Scripture verse on her wall at work. Two of her fellow employees noticed it. They said,

“You must be religious.”

“Yes, I’m a Christian.”

One of the enquirers came back this past week to share that she was diagnosed with a serious health condition. Could she get “some Bible verses” that could help and “would you pray for me?”

All because of one Bible verse.

You may be familiar enough with the Bible to have heard that it has some controversial qualities.


1. The Bible is the “Word of God.”

The Bible claims to be “inspired,” not just “inspiring.”  In fact, the audacity of the Bible is it claims to be “God-breathed.” (1 Timothy 3:16) The Bible is divinely inspired.  See how a Muslim, Nabeel Qureshi, had his life radically changed by coming to understand the Bible is God’s Word.

2. The Bible is trustworthy.

How can the Bible be reliable when its full of irreconcilable contradictions? Did you come to that conclusion yourself or did someone tell you it has contradictions? Most, if not all of the people who say the Bible has contradictions share one, if not two things, in common:

i) They have never read or studied the Bible for themselves.

ii) They do not believe a person can know God.

Any passages that appear contradictory are reconcilable. The more you study it, the more you discover the Bible is bullet proof.

3. The Bible is reliable.

The Bible has been handed down through the centuries through hand written copies. There are more original copies of the Bible than ANY other piece of literature from antiquity. Though written over 1,600 years by 40 writers from various backgrounds and languages, the Bible has a unique unity to it. The Bible is seamless in its book-to-book agreement.

4. The Bible is relevant.

The Bible is timeless and can speak to anyone, anywhere, anytime. It has meaning for your life today.

Bible principles can be applied to anything you face because the Bible addresses all life issues – marriage, sex, politics, morality, business, success, death, grief, parenting, investing, money management, origins, anthropology, history, science, astronomy, biology, physics,  etc.

You can download a free eBook intro to the Bible here.

5. The Bible has unique teachings.

The Bible does NOT teach what other religious books teach.

All religious literature is NOT the same.

Only in the Bible do you read about God becoming Man – immaculately conceived, protected by angels, sinless, perfect, powerful, yet rejected and crucified by the very people God had created.  “He was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not. He came to his own and his own received him not.” (John 1:6)

Here’s a plan to get you started in reading the Bible – how and where to read.

APPLICATION: What do you think about the Bible? Please leave a comment below.

I write to inspire people to be real, grow an authentic faith in Jesus, enjoy healthy relationships and discover their life purpose. If this material is helpful to you, please follow me.

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 44 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers


  • Tracey Kimo says:

    PB! The Bible to me is not just my favorite book, but considered my “life line”. Without it I’m dead. It has everything I need for every “need” in my life. It directs, councils, comforts, corrects, encourages and most of all makes me more in love with Jesus! My favorite part is that you can read it over and over, and each time is like the first. TK

  • bob jones says:

    “Life line” is a great descriptor. Glad you’ve got the Word in you.

  • Carole Schlachta says:

    Amen Pastor Bob, it is my life.

  • Gary Myers says:

    The Bible is the best and most reliable way of learning Who God is. The ‘word’ enlightened by the Holy Spirit is incredibly powerful.

  • bob jones says:

    Good shout out for the Bible. Thanks!

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