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I once was lost in the woods, like literally….lost in the woods. It was the first winter camping expedition for army cadets, and I was the civilian officer in charge of 30 grunts. I was arriving late into camp with my fellow officer, it was dark, and we were convinced it was the right drop off point to the camp when we asked our driver to drop us off. It wasn’t. Sarah Ball writes with a courageous vulnerability. She is a gifted blogger, speaker, author and a mom of five. Sarah will tell you candidly that sixteen years ago she was living on welfare, abandoned with two children, broken, and lost. Four years ago she couldn’t get out of bed,…
Bob Jones
March 6, 2016


“7 Women And The Secret Of Their Greatness” is the latest Eric Metaxas page turner. He highlights the stories of Joan of Arc, Suzanna Wesley, Hannah More, Maria Skobtsova, Corrie ten Boom, Mother Teresa, and Rosa Parks. Metaxas is a master writer of biographies. I can readily enjoy a pleasant weekend wrapped up in stories well told. My personal library is stocked with biographies of accomplished athletes, Civil War generals, politicians, missionaries, innovators and entrepreneurs. Metaxas says “biographies enable us to slip the strictures of time and provide a bracing corrective to our tendency to see everything in the dark glass of our own era, with all its blind spots, mores, beams and distortions.” Biographies I’d never heard of Hannah…
Bob Jones
March 5, 2016


The illuminated face of the clock by the bed read, “3:38.” Conscious. Confused. Clear. Awake! O yah, its Thursday and I’m supposed to jet to Vancouver. Belt buckled. Keys in pockets. Shoes on. Groomed! No time for brewing coffee. Grrrrr. Notes? Check. iPhone ticket? Check. Car rental? Check. Ready! Cold and snow blankets everything, delaying but invigorating. Sparse traffic. Silent morning. Slushy roads. Departures! The ripples of 9/11 are reminders that tighter security doesn’t make life feel more secure. Belt off. Pockets emptied. Shoes off. Inconvenienced! The best part of flying. Not. 32,000 feet. 548km/hr -64C Purpose! The planeload empties at almost the identical local time we departed. Rain for snow. Green for white. Mountains for plains. Envious! A rented…
Bob Jones
March 2, 2016


My life changed forever January 27, 2004. My son Ryan was twenty when he was killed by a drunk driver. Your heart knows a pain like no other. Burying your child is the most painful, unimaginable day you will ever endure. Something that is so wrong in so many ways. Your mind is a whirling blur, yet it is ever hopeful that at any moment now, you will awake and find that this is all a nightmare...a mother’s - a parent’s - worst nightmare. I'm grateful to my friend Jane Burak for writing this letter. The Burak and Jones families enjoyed cheering on our sons as teammates through elementary grades to senior high. We were devastated when a call came…
Bob Jones
February 28, 2016


Look at their smiles. They appear to be a typical, retired Canadian couple holidaying in some exotic, faraway place. The Komants are anything but typical and certainly not retired. Elmer and Sherry Komant are North Pointe's partner missionaries serving in Bujumbura, Burundi. They know what it is to be fearless. Consider their description of neighborhood gunfire as "pressure cooker popcorn." They've faced hostile governments, financial challenges, strange foreign customs, and Elmer's diagnosis of inoperable brain cancer, thirty years ago. Seniors Strong The Komants successfully planted churches in Zambia, Kenya, Rwanda and Burundi. They are in their 60's and still going strong. At an age when most Canadians are retiring the Komants ramped up their commitment to serve. In 2014 they…
Bob Jones
February 24, 2016


I recently returned from a mission trip hosted by Centre for Student Missions (CSM) that enabled my team to explore urban ministry. New York, New York was a whole new world for my team of first year Youth Ministry Institute students of Vanguard College. Dia Tomada is part of the family at North Pointe, a student at Vanguard College and serves as a volunteer youth leader in the Anomaly Youth Ministry with Pastor Jeremy Gifford. She shares her insights having just returned from a missions trip to New York City. The nickname “The City that Never Sleeps” became very real, very quickly as we jumped straight into ministry at 6:00 in the morning, a mere ten hours after settling into…
Bob Jones
February 21, 2016


Fear knocks at everybody's door. Phobia comes in a plethora of forms - fear of failure, falling, fire, flowers, flying, frogs, or fog to name a few. How will faith help you face fear? 4 Facts About Faith And Fear 1. If  you give in to fear, it will rule your life. Fear tears away ambition, kind actions or thoughts. It creates resentments, jealousy and anger. Fear will make you doubt life, your friends and the best intentions of others. It can change how you feel and react to things which would not normally bother you. 2. Faith changes everything. A Bible verse, a devotional thought, a memory of past success, an email from a friend, a kind word, good…
Bob Jones
February 20, 2016


The account of Easter can easily function as a coloring book - the lines are clear that shape Good Friday, the Cross and the Empty Tomb.  How the pages are colored has been limited by the crayons available. Not anymore. Easter Colors Rich Peluso passed up the Crayola 24, 64 and 96 packs and created his own Mega Box 144 to color his Easter story. In producing, "Risen," Peluso made use of shades and combinations no one has seen before. He gave free reign to poetic license and colored outside the lines. But that's OK. As a communicator I know that telling a familiar story from a new perspective or angle helps audiences pay attention. They may even have an…
Bob Jones
February 14, 2016


Faith, joy and hope are timeless qualities that will help you be your best even when life is at its worst. For Kristen Fersovitch they were a trilogy of tested and trusted convictions. When Kristen was diagnosed with inoperable cancer in 2011, she had no idea her story would inspire thousands of people across Canada. She has appeared in national magazines, newspapers, blogs and published in a hardcover book. In December 2015, CTV Edmonton ran a prime time feature on her life of music, family, marriage, parenting, and hope. Thank you, Dez Melenka at CTV for so beautifully telling Kristen's story. Purchase your copy of Ornament online at or at any of these Edmonton area outlets. Read Kristen's inspiring…
Bob Jones
February 9, 2016


One of the greatest gifts that God has given you is the gift of imagination. Everything starts with imagination. Nothing becomes reality unless first somebody imagines it. The term "Imagineering" was copyrighted by the Disney corporation in 1967 to describe the outcome of combining imagination and engineering. Imagination is the ability to create through mental pictures. The Bible uses the phrase "sound mind" which describes an imagination dedicated to God. (2 Timothy 1:6) I believe God allows us to see things through faith that we didn’t think were possible in order to remind us of our potential. When you see Amy Purdy, you see what imagination - seeing with the eyes of faith - can do. Dancing With No Legs…
Bob Jones
February 8, 2016