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In the "region of Caesarea Philippi" Jesus asked his Jewish disciples "Who do men say that I am?" What happened next turned their world upside down. Why Here? Why Now? North Pointe's Israel team visited Caesarea Philippi in February 2017. The ancient city stood in a once lush area near the foot of Mount Hermon. Now, its a unexceptional locale visited primarily by tourists. Caesarea Philippi was like a red-light district in the Jewish world and the devout would have avoided any contact with the despicable acts committed there. It was a city of people eagerly knocking on the doors of hell. Our Jewish guide questioned, "Why would Jesus - a good Jew - bring his Jewish disciples to the…
Bob Jones
March 1, 2017


I like watching for signs when I travel. Not the directional or apocalyptic kind - the ironic kind. The beauties above adorned a hillside in Galilee, Israel. Keeping The Door Closed At All Times Some signs are a fuzzy kind of funny. I saw the one below at Pearson International in Toronto. A manager wanted to insure that shoes or anything else did not collect on their watch. The open door where this sign was posted revealed shoes all over the floor. This one was on the side of a boat we sailed in on the Sea of Galilee. Savvy store owners capitalizing on the value of humor in marketing. Are you a reflection of what you eat? Some signs…
Bob Jones
February 26, 2017


Eleven days in Israel and Jordan are more than enough to rock your perceptions of the Middle East. Thirty-two of us traveled halfway around the globe to be reminded that it's a small world after all. On February 8th our team bid a fond farewell to -30C Canadian weather. Sixteen hours and eleven thousand km's later we were embraced by the 17C shalom of Tel Aviv, Israel. (Scroll to the bottom to see updated photos of the trip.) Milk, Honey and Rocks The landscape was the first to rock our perceptions. Literally. Israel is in a desert. Rocks and sand are everywhere. Even the green pastures surrounding the Sea of Galilee are littered with stones and rocks. Sheep and goats…
Bob Jones
February 20, 2017


Trapped by procrastination? Are "later" or "tomorrow" your best times for getting things done? You're not alone. 7 Ways To Beat Procrastination 1. Do nothing. Working is one of the most dangerous forms of procrastination. If you want to get yourself to do something, make the alternative to that task to do nothing. When there’s some chore you just don’t want to tackle, every other chore seems alluring. 2. Start. Think of the most discouraging thing that you are currently carrying or the biggest project you can’t seem to tackle. Forget about how you got there, just look at the clock, and before that number changes, do one little thing to make it better. After you do, enjoy your moment…
Jones Bob
February 8, 2017


There I was, staring up at 900 feet of cascading water and holding hands with a stranger from Maine. Jamaica's most famous landmark was about to become a checkmark on a bucket list. Dunn's River Falls The eighteen people in our excursion group - twelve friends and four strangers - read the disclaimer sign at the base of the Falls: "WARNING: *Back problems * Neck problems * High Blood Pressure * Diabetes * Heart Problems * Climb at your own risk." Our Jamaican guide, a twenty-year veteran of Dunn's River Falls, asked if we were ready. We gave him our best, "Ya man." He estimated the climb would take about forty-five minutes and assured that all of us would make…
Bob Jones
February 5, 2017


Olga Brindza was one of those all too rare kind of people who served way past the age of retirement. Even in her 70's she was happily involved in serving God by loving children and just about anyone else around her. Into Eternity On the last Thursday morning of January 2017 she was sitting in her favorite livingroom chair enjoying a devotional reading. The first words of the first paragraph she was reading were, “Relax my child, I’m in control. Remember that you are my beloved.” Those may have been the last words she saw before she peacefully closed her eyes and slipped into eternity and the presence of Jesus. Her passing was sudden and unexpected. Three days earlier, Olga…
Bob Jones
February 1, 2017


Just like a golfer who feels the purity of the perfect golf swing, or a baseball player hearing the sublime crack of the bat on the ball, so the fisherman likens the perfect cast to a thing of beauty. Although the type of rod and the line are essential to casting, the momentum and timing are key as well. Any fishermen can tell you about the importance of casting when catching a fish. Most believe the length of the cast is one factor that can influence the size of the fish. Casting a vision is similar to casting a fishing line. It requires proper tools and strategy. Adena Lowry is a junior high teacher at Strathcona Christian Academy and a…
Bob Jones
January 29, 2017


There was an unmistakable eagerness about Edgar Taylor. He was keen to open his home and more importantly, his spirit. He shared a compulsion with his wife and some of their friends to seek God with all their hearts. The year was 1917. Edmonton Coming Of Age Edmonton was a rapidly growing prairie city of 54,000 citizens. The High Level Bridge and the Hotel MacDonald were recently opened and the dismantling of Fort Edmonton was just completed. The Great War was still raging in Europe. Many young Edmontonians had lost their lives far away in Passchendaele and Vimy Ridge. Perhaps it was the urgency of the hour that drew Edgar Taylor and his wife along with five other couples to…
Bob Jones
January 6, 2017


I was on the bottom bunk, sitting on the fuzzy yellow blanket from Grandma. It was a comfortable place to get a revelation. The phrase – Bless the Lord - came traipsing through my nine year-old consciousness. What my mind could not grasp my spirit responded to and I resolved that if I could, I would bless the heart of God. I met Julianna Christensen at her interview for ministerial credentials. Julianna grew up on the mission field and presently serves at West Edmonton Christian Assembly. She exudes a contagious enthusiasm for prayer and seeking God. So I asked her to share her experience as inspiration for others to "bless the Lord". How Do The Created Bless The Creator? How…
Bob Jones
January 5, 2017


When you are devoted to something, your life rises above the crowd of mediocrity.  That was literally true of "Eddie The Eagle" and his improbable pursuit of Olympic ski jumping. Devotion is a robust word. The devoted orient their activities toward what they really want. Devotion turns a surrender of your personal wants and desires into something that holds greater meaning for you. It oozes passion and longing. The devoted form a love affair with whatever they're committed to. Who comes to mind when you think of devotion? Leave your comment below. 12 Devoteds 1. Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards – Lacking natural talent and starting very late in life, he was passionate about competing as an Olympic ski jumper. He…
Bob Jones
January 1, 2017