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Olga Brindza was one of those all too rare kind of people who served way past the age of retirement. Even in her 70's she was happily involved in serving God by loving children and just about anyone else around her. Into Eternity On the last Thursday morning of January 2017 she was sitting in her favorite livingroom chair enjoying a devotional reading. The first words of the first paragraph she was reading were, “Relax my child, I’m in control. Remember that you are my beloved.” Those may have been the last words she saw before she peacefully closed her eyes and slipped into eternity and the presence of Jesus. Her passing was sudden and unexpected. Three days earlier, Olga…
Bob Jones
February 1, 2017


Just like a golfer who feels the purity of the perfect golf swing, or a baseball player hearing the sublime crack of the bat on the ball, so the fisherman likens the perfect cast to a thing of beauty. Although the type of rod and the line are essential to casting, the momentum and timing are key as well. Any fishermen can tell you about the importance of casting when catching a fish. Most believe the length of the cast is one factor that can influence the size of the fish. Casting a vision is similar to casting a fishing line. It requires proper tools and strategy. Adena Lowry is a junior high teacher at Strathcona Christian Academy and a…
Bob Jones
January 29, 2017


There was an unmistakable eagerness about Edgar Taylor. He was keen to open his home and more importantly, his spirit. He shared a compulsion with his wife and some of their friends to seek God with all their hearts. The year was 1917. Edmonton Coming Of Age Edmonton was a rapidly growing prairie city of 54,000 citizens. The High Level Bridge and the Hotel MacDonald were recently opened and the dismantling of Fort Edmonton was just completed. The Great War was still raging in Europe. Many young Edmontonians had lost their lives far away in Passchendaele and Vimy Ridge. Perhaps it was the urgency of the hour that drew Edgar Taylor and his wife along with five other couples to…
Bob Jones
January 6, 2017


I was on the bottom bunk, sitting on the fuzzy yellow blanket from Grandma. It was a comfortable place to get a revelation. The phrase – Bless the Lord - came traipsing through my nine year-old consciousness. What my mind could not grasp my spirit responded to and I resolved that if I could, I would bless the heart of God. I met Julianna Christensen at her interview for ministerial credentials. Julianna grew up on the mission field and presently serves at West Edmonton Christian Assembly. She exudes a contagious enthusiasm for prayer and seeking God. So I asked her to share her experience as inspiration for others to "bless the Lord". How Do The Created Bless The Creator? How…
Bob Jones
January 5, 2017


When you are devoted to something, your life rises above the crowd of mediocrity.  That was literally true of "Eddie The Eagle" and his improbable pursuit of Olympic ski jumping. Devotion is a robust word. The devoted orient their activities toward what they really want. Devotion turns a surrender of your personal wants and desires into something that holds greater meaning for you. It oozes passion and longing. The devoted form a love affair with whatever they're committed to. Who comes to mind when you think of devotion? Leave your comment below. 12 Devoteds 1. Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards – Lacking natural talent and starting very late in life, he was passionate about competing as an Olympic ski jumper. He…
Bob Jones
January 1, 2017


He shared his personal encounter with depression and set the all-time, one day views record on Pointes of View. An attempt at writing with sarcasm, a five-year old and her family's journey through an incurable affliction, as well as courage and marriage got the attention of readers in 2016. They are worth a read again or for the first time. Please let me know which one is your favorite for 2016. The Top 5 Posts of 2016 #1. Depression: My Story by Brock Harrison Heart pounds. Head spins. Muscles seize. This isn’t going to get done. Walk away. Lie down. Have I lost it? Will I get back? What if I never do? Brock Harrison touched a nerve when he…
Bob Jones
December 27, 2016


Everybody's got a story and yours can inspire the world. That's why we started #humansofnorthpointe in 2016. Once or twice a week we're posting stories of people on North Pointe's Facebook page. Thousands of people have viewed and shared some of the following stories. Search the hashtag #humansofnorthpointe to see all of the stories so far. JOHN ORFINO "I am still alive. But,my speech, my breathing and my physical strength is quickly fading. I am still able to operate my scooter in the house and I try to do everything I can by myself and Judee gets very mad at me because I am so stubborn. Daxon and Espen mean the world to me and are my #1 reason why…
Bob Jones
December 25, 2016


"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6 "Fearless" was North Pointe's guiding word for the past twelve months. I pray the word will echo into your future in 2017. You will never fear what tomorrow holds if you’ll remember and focus on four unchangeable facts that arise out of Christmas: 1. God's love for you will never change. EVERLASTING FATHER 2. God's Word will never change. WONDERFUL COUNSELOR 3. God's  purposes will never change. MIGHTY GOD 4. God's gracious provision will never change. PRINCE OF PEACE "Fear not for…
Bob Jones
December 24, 2016


When you have a sodium deficiency, your body craves salty foods. You might not even notice that you’re craving salty foods in particular, but your body is reacting to that deficiency by creating a desire for something that restores it. When you have a spiritual deficiency, your soul craves life-giving food. Your soul is reacting to a deficiency by creating a desire to be restored. Craving more of God? More out of your faith? More authenticity? Junk food for your soul won't cut it. Over and over again I hear people relate how reading the Bible - consistently - satisfied their cravings. Living Proof "I want to thank God for somehow giving me this idea to read the Bible. It…
Bob Jones
December 22, 2016


“Do you think that’s an appropriate book to be reading here?” In hindsight she was probably being silly. We took her seriously. The rest is history. Starbucked At Tim Hortons The book? Onward by Howard Shultz, founder of Starbucks. Our Ironman Leadership group had chosen Onward as our next book to be dissected in search of leadership and business principles. The problem? We were reading it at the Tim Hortons where we met for our weekly discussions. At the time NONE of our group were patrons of Starbucks. However, since we were reading a book about Starbucks and now that Tim Hortons might not be the most hospitable place to read such a book, why not visit a Starbucks? Onward…
Bob Jones
December 14, 2016