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Merry Christmas Uncategorized

Merry Christmas

God grant you the light in Christmas, which is faith; the warmth of Christmas, which is love; the radiance of Christmas, which is purity; the belief in Christmas, which is truth; the all of Christmas, which is Christ. Merry Christmas!
Jones Bob
December 25, 2011
12 Days of Christmas Uncategorized

12 Days of Christmas

A post from Cindy Keating Glubish December 19, 2011 - 7:32 a.m – I woke up this morning singing “…On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a partridge in a pear tree…”. I have no idea why. And much like the hiccups, the song kept creeping back ALL..DAY...LONG. To be honest, I have always found this song to be annoying. No disrespect to Frederic Austin, but I just find it rather… blah. There’s not much syncopation, there’s definitely no dissonance, and the lyrics are… well…they’re rather repetitive (stating the obvious I know). In my everyday life I hear “Mommy, mommy, mommy, MOMMY!!!!!” 50 million times a day, so to ALSO have “and a parrrrtridge in…
Jones Bob
December 20, 2011
Mastering Yourself Uncategorized

Mastering Yourself

My father loved golfing. Every Saturday he would be up with the birds and hoping to shoot a few birdies. When I was born my parents named me "Robert" or "Bobby" as in Bobby Jones, one of world's greatest golfers. My dad bought me a set of Bobby Jones Jr golf clubs but they sat in the garage most of my life. Bobby was only five years old when he first swung a golf club. By the age of twelve, he was winning club tournaments. During this time, he was known for his hot temper, and he soon had the nickname “Club Thrower.” Jones became friends with a man named Grandpa Bart, who worked part-time in the club pro shop.…
Jones Bob
December 2, 2011
Crisis Uncategorized


This Sunday past, we talked about crisis. We've all faced them. A health crisis, a career crisis, a marriage crisis, a crisis of confidence, a mid-life crisis, a financial crisis, a family crisis, a crisis of faith. Its in crisis that Christ can best be heard. "God whispers in our pleasure but shouts in our pain," is how CS Lewis described it. Every crisis will present an opportunity. The lowest period IN your life can lead to the highest purpose FOR your life. The strength that Jesus gives in the midst of crisis can create an opportunity to experience remarkable courage to live life. 2 Timothy 4:16,17 illustrates this so well - "At my first defense, no one came to…
Jones Bob
November 24, 2011
Amy’s Acceptance Uncategorized

Amy’s Acceptance

My story is about my need to be accepted and about how accepting God's grace has allowed me to be free. Growing up, I was into many activities, but figure skating was my passion. Today, I am a professional figure skating and power skating coach with the St. Albert Skating Centre. I love nurturing young athletes to help them tap into their true potential. I only had the pleasure of competing for a few years, but I was fortunate to meet and compete against many great people, including the most recent Olympic champions, Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir. My skating career came to an early and sudden end. Many factors produced this outcome. I had lived for figure skating! To…
Jones Bob
November 21, 2011

I first met Simon Peter Emiau in 1988. I was leading a missions team to Uganda and teaching in a Bible College in Umbale, Uganda. Simon Peter was the director of the school. He and his wife invited me to their home for lunch, a kindness I have long remembered. He told me how he had been a thief, hiding in the bushes and ambushing unsuspecting travelers. Then he was introduced to Jesus and his life changed. He turned from robbing to giving. As the director of the school he had opportunity to influence future pastors. He eventually became the General Superintendent of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Uganda. Today he is a well respected leader throughout the continent of Africa.…
Jones Bob
November 3, 2011
100 Day Prayer Uncategorized

100 Day Prayer

Anything worth having is worth waiting for. “Your 100 Day Prayer” is a call to “waiting” on God in prayer. Note: Not waiting FOR God but waiting ON God. The book points out the big difference between the two. Author John Snyder says, "This sustained, stubborn, never-give-up spirit of prayer is not so much to persuade God to give us what we want, but rather to transform us in the process." That’s what waiting ON God will do for you. Isaiah 40:31 says, “…they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Snyder combines the practices of Bible…
Jones Bob
October 27, 2011
Come Before Winter Uncategorized

Come Before Winter

I have a love hate relationship with autumn. I love the beauty of the turning leaves. I hate the work of the falling leaves. So I’ll go with love. Autumn is a billion dollar season for tourism in Canada and the US because of the beauty of the leaves. But how quickly autumn passes! It is the perfect parable of all that fades. Yesterday the leaves were beautiful in colour. Tomorrow the rain will fall, the winds will blow, and the trees will be stripped and barren. Autumn reminds me of the value of life’s opportunities — their beauty, but also their brevity. What if you knew there was an opportunity, a God-moment, coming where the choices you make will…
Jones Bob
October 16, 2011
Don’t be a Turkey Uncategorized

Don’t be a Turkey

There are so many words that come to mind on a Thanksgiving weekend that centre on gratitude. My favourite is "thanksliving." For me it means making everyday day Thanksgiving...without the turkey and trimmings. Turkey's don't have anything to be thankful for on on this holiday weekend. I remind myself, "Don't be a turkey the rest of the year." Greet the dawn of everyday with gratitude for life. When Steve Jobs was 17 he read a quote that said, "If you live your life like everyday were your last someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression him. In 2005 in his Standford commencement speech, he said, "For the past 33 years have looked in the mirror every morning…
Jones Bob
October 10, 2011
Parenting isn’t for Cowards Uncategorized

Parenting isn’t for Cowards

Parenting is leadership. Leaders need courage. “Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” Elizabeth Stone, professor at Fordham University Our two sons, Cory and Jean Marc, are the pride and joy of our lives. Jocelyn's and my best decision was to have children and God blessed that decision. Our joy increased when Jean Marc married Angie and they had two daughters, Quinn Marie and Lena Grace. If parenting is a high calling, grandparenting is a high privilege. For almost 35 years, Dr. James Dobson and "family" have gone hand in glove.   Though Jocelyn and I never personally met Dr. Dobson, he was a…
Jones Bob
October 3, 2011