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TERRY FOX RYAN JESPERSEN2You should have seen them. So well behaved. And their singing was heartfelt. In addition to a Hawk Nelson rendition, they created their own worship terminology – “Whoop! Whoop! Jesus cares!”

A chapel for Kindergarten to Grade 4 students.

It was my privilege to speak to the students at Ecole Broxton Park in Spruce Grove, Alberta.

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Being at Broxton Park did my heart good.

This was their “Terry Fox Day” and that afternoon students were running/walking in his memory.

My invitation was to talk about Terry Fox as a hero of faith. That was so easy to do because Terry was a person of faith and ran his marathon of hope knowing he was living out God’s purpose for his life.

Broxton students are my heroes.

The Ripple Effect of Influential People

1.TERRY FOX AND CANCER RESEARCHTerry Fox is the most influential person in Canadian history to advance cancer research. When Terry developed osteosarcoma cancer he was told he had a 50% chance of recovery. His doctors told him years earlier he would only have had a 15% chance but research had improved the odds.

Today the recovery rate is at 80% because of findings from research funded by Terry Fox runs.

One of the students at Broxton Park today could well be the researcher of tomorrow who finds a cure for cancer because of funds raised on days like this.

2. KRISTEN FERSOVITCH AND FAITH – I told the students about Kristen Fersovitch, another hero of faith who was diagnosed with cancer when she was 28. Kristen showed everyone how faith in Jesus can help you be your best when life is at its worst.

At the end of the talk I presented a copy of Kristen’s courageous story, “Ornament” to Jenny Callado, one of Broxton Park’s teachers, for the school library.

I first met Kristen when she was 8 years old. I’ve known Jenny since she was 11. I see how their lives as adult Christians are positively influencing the students of today and the pioneers of tomorrow.

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3. RYAN JESPERSON AND PRAYER – Driving to my next engagement I listened to The Ryan Jespersen show on 630CHED. Jespersen is the BEST Talk Show host on radio.

He was trolling for responses to his query about the Lord’s Prayer in Alberta’s public schools. School Boards in Alberta are mandated to include the prayer in the classroom lives of students. “Should this be so in a public school?” was his question.

Sounds like responses were a little heated.

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My thoughts went to the public school I had just left – a public school with a Christian program included in its culture.

I thought about the future of our country and what my granddaughters’ Canada may look like.

The Assembly

My next engagement was helping to facilitate prayer at “The Assembly” – a 6-day, 24 hour/day prayer gathering in Edmonton – intercession for Canada and the influence of God on politicians and policy – involving 41 churches of many denominations.

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Public And Private Prayer

Regardless of the outcomes concerning public prayer, personal prayer will always be the prerogative of Christians.

We should exert as much passion for praying in private as we do protesting the removal of public prayer.

I was pleased to see and hear at The Assembly that participants were grateful to God for our country’s richness and gracious in their prayers for our nation and our leaders regardless of their political stripe.

God keep our land, glorious and free.

APPLICATION: What do you think about prayer? The Lord’s Prayer in schools? Prayer in churches? Please leave a comment below. Thank you.

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 44 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers


  • Gary Myers says:

    That sounds like a pretty good day, Bob. I believe prayer is the very life-blood of Christianity. I cannot see how we can maintain a real relationship with Christ without prayer. For me prayer comes in many forms, and I think just sitting in the Presence of the Lord and listening (even when He isn’t saying anything) is a vital part of our relationship.

    The Lord’s prayer in secular schools, will never survive our courts, so I don’t see the point of even discussing it, as unfortunate as that is.

    Intercessory prayer groups should be a valuable part of every church.

  • bob jones says:

    If we are praying everywhere else except schools, maybe one day, prayer in schools or city council meetings will once again make sense. Thanks for checking in, Gary. Good to hear from you and know you are doing well.

  • adena lowry says:

    I’ve been thinking about Kristen Fersovitch these days and praying for her family, and for you Pastor Bob. This is a hard time of year for them. Having lost my sister-in-law to cancer earlier this year, I can see how much losing a loved one can truly affect your spirit.
    Every year I watch the Terry Fox movie. I love the story, the inspiration, and the style of clothing! I’m always blown away by “a marathon a day”. It makes me think about how much I complain about absolutely nothing.
    Tonight I heard the man on AM930 talk about the line from the Lord’s prayer, “Deliver us from evil”. And just like the Israelites, I know I need to stop my grumbling and complaining. I’m not suffering from any disease, nor am I running a marathon a day.
    Teaching in a Christian school is such a privilege because your able to talk about God anytime. Just like the other day when we came across the word, “avare” in French class which means “miserly”. It lead me to talk about the message in church and the acronym to g-u-a-r-d your heart against that which is avarice. The students ate it up! It was the best French class ever talking about church and God.
    Run Burundi is on Saturday. Life is insane these days, but it’s good to stop and pause, if only for a few minutes, to realize just how blessed I am.

  • bob jones says:

    Thanks Adena for coming aside from the “insanity” to comment. I am SURE Run Burundi will be another great event and fundraiser for such a worthy cause. Jocelyn and I will be at a book launch for “Ornament” with the Singing Christmas Tree Choir. God bless YOU for all you do as mom, teacher and friend.

  • Eso Esotera says:

    Do NOT be like the hypocrites who PRAY in PUBLIC. By praying in public You go DIRECTLY against your own God’s wishes. Are you all so blind to jump on the Public prayer bandwagon while outright going against the God you so “Claim” to worship?! Why do some Christians choose to ignore Mathew 6:5… Your God’s WILL on how you should pray… WHY?? Why do some Christians bring it upon themselves to “Play” God? What makes them think themselves so righteous to judge those they deem unworthy… Judge Not lest ye be judged themselves… Does this sound familiar, also another major Bible verse, sorry, let me correct myself, COMANDMENT, that many Christians choose to IGNORE. The praying in public is nothing more than Desperate Christians trying to push their indoctrination agenda upon everyone else. WAKE-UP people! Wake-up Christians… your forcefulness, your shaming, your public rants on those unlike yourselves, your rude way of sneaking your religion into the Public school system is making society truly see who is ushering in the real Evil in this world.

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