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Rydon's parents believe in miracles. They watched their preemie son fight for his life with the aid of doctors and nurses in two hospitals and the prayers of family and friends each breath of the way. "Thanks again to everyone at North Pointe for your prayers and support. Words cannot describe how blessed we feel to have come so far." Looking at Rydon now, you'd never know the journey he's been on, so read about it below. Rydon Bouck faced more dire circumstances at 25 weeks old than most people experience in 25 years or an entire lifetime. On January 13, 2015, Rydon Harold was born to Kolby and Elise Bouck – son #3. Elise had endured a very difficult…
Bob Jones
March 28, 2015


March 17th is St. Patrick's Day - a fun excuse to wear green, speak with an Irish accent and drink green colored beverages. But there's so much more to the day and the man, Patrick. The Saint Ain't Irish Patrick is probably the best known "saint" in the world. Typically, establishing clear insight into people who lived over 1500 years ago is a challenge because of a lack of information. Patrick presents the opposite challenge - there is so much written about him that it is hard to separate fact from folklore. What we do know for sure is: * Patrick was English not Irish. * Patrick did not wear green. * Patrick did NOT drive all the snakes out…
Bob Jones
March 18, 2015
Storm Uncategorized


If this was the ONLY book you read this year by a Christian leader you would draw the incorrect conclusion that the Church reeks. I think it rocks...and I think deep down Jim Cymbala feels that way too. He is negative about the state of the Church, critical of pastoral priorities and practices and is of the opinion that very little good or godly is going on in North American ministries. Hard to Argue With Prayer Pastor Cymbala repeatedly states that he has written the book out of humility and concern and certainly not from a perspective that he has all the answers. He then goes on to give his answer to all of the problems in the Church –…
Bob Jones
March 15, 2015


The following five stories of courage caught the attention and captured the hearts of our readers. These profiles will give you a boost to continue on your own courage highway. 1. Adam Cripps: Bravest, Strongest, Courageous Adam Cripps was an inspiration to anyone who met him. He faced four bouts with cancer over his brief 16 years. His aunt wrote, "With probably only weeks left of his short life, I only hope that I can somehow share his story to enough people to hopefully show them what we already know. Adam is an amazing young man and his life will be forever missed but he will live on in all of us and I can only hope that one day…
Bob Jones
December 31, 2014
Free Mobile Friendly Bible Reading Plans: 2015 Uncategorized

Free Mobile Friendly Bible Reading Plans: 2015

Make 2015 your best year in the Bible ever! Here are two FREE reading plans that will build you up every day. No regrets: Get into the Bible and get the Bible into you in 2015. No excuses: With Bible reading apps like YouVersion, there is every reason to be able to use your smartphone or mobile devices to access the Bible everyday. And did I mention, they are FREE. 1. DAY BY DAY WITH BILLY GRAHAM I chose the "Billy Graham Reading Plan" for North Pointe this year because of Dr. Graham's unequaled, worldwide influence. You may never get to meet Billy Graham in person but reading his devotionals could bring heaven to your soul and your soul to…
Bob Jones
December 28, 2014
I MADE CAKE Uncategorized


I made cake. It's just a store-bought box of cake-mix that I whipped up with some eggs and oil. I don't normally make store-bought cake, and in fact, the last cake I made was for my husband Tim's birthday about 3 years ago. With all the discussion about healthy food and trimming the extras, I don't bake too often. This is sad really, because I enjoy baking. I enjoy that sweet reward at the end of a meal. I used the word 'reward', did you catch that? Some would say sugar is not a reward. No. In fact, some may be poised at the keyboard looking to Google information here to "help me" avoid the hazards of sugar. Don't. Guest…
Bob Jones
July 9, 2014
The Minute Manager of Prayer Uncategorized

The Minute Manager of Prayer

  You'd be amazed what you can accomplish in a minute. What holds a lot of people back from prayer is the feeling that if I can't go into isolation and completely focus and pray for an hour, my prayer won't count. As a pastor, my typical day is formed around minutes, not hours of prayer. As a pastor I live in the shadow of men like Martin Luther who is quoted as saying, "I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer." (Rev. Luther may have done that only a few times in his life, but his quote has become a benchmark regarding the priority of prayer, especially for pastors.) Luther also…
Bob Jones
October 23, 2013
What Can You Accomplish in a Minute? Uncategorized

What Can You Accomplish in a Minute?

Minutes are to us as miracles are to God. Think about it…minutes are what define our lives. We get 1440 of them every day. We know minutes like fish know water. They are so second nature to us that we are unaware of their passage. Miracles are what define God. Miracles are second nature to Him. If a conception/birth is a miracle then there are over 250 of them every minute on our planet. That’s well over a quarter million every week. 95% of our entire universe is held together by an unknown "dark energy." That's a miracle everyday for us. The 'chance' coincidence of so many trillion possibilities that had to be exactly right for a universe and life…
Bob Jones
October 21, 2013
The Gift of Intercession Uncategorized

The Gift of Intercession

This is a humble request for a gift. Its something I am asking on behalf of our pastoral team. Its the request of a "minute" of intercession. There are four vital questions that demand honest answers: 1. Do you believe God answers prayer? 2. Do you believe God answers YOUR prayers? 3. Are you praying for your pastoral team…daily? 4. If not, will you start today? We believe that if you will manage your minute(s) praying for the team, God will manage miracles. You ask, “What good would praying for a minute a day do?” I ask, "Are you praying a minute a day for the team already?" If not, then your praying can only help. It would help our…
Bob Jones
May 20, 2013
A Day in Kristen’s Life Uncategorized

A Day in Kristen’s Life

One snapshot of a day in Kristen Fersovitch's life - June 22, 2012. When I read her posts or talked to her, my prayer was, "Lord make her body as healthy as her spirit." Insight into what Kristen needed us to pray for. You probably know someone like Kristen who is going through a battle. You are supporting them and praying for them. You can find inspiration in the book "Ornament" - a legacy of Kristen's faith, joy and hope. Purchase it here.
Jones Bob
June 22, 2012