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Slide1I made cake.

It’s just a store-bought box of cake-mix that I whipped up with some eggs and oil. I don’t normally make store-bought cake, and in fact, the last cake I made was for my husband Tim’s birthday about 3 years ago.

With all the discussion about healthy food and trimming the extras, I don’t bake too often. This is sad really, because I enjoy baking. I enjoy that sweet reward at the end of a meal. I used the word ‘reward’, did you catch that?

Some would say sugar is not a reward. No. In fact, some may be poised at the keyboard looking to Google information here to “help me” avoid the hazards of sugar. Don’t.

GuestLarynda post from Larynda McKay, of Calgary, Alberta. Ryn writes from the heart and that’s what endears her to her readers. Ryn says she is the “luckiest woman in the world; married to the most wonderful man on the planet. I’m quirky and fun, with a healthy dose of wit and intelligence. I love writing and sharing things I encounter on my adventures that make me laugh and ponder.” Ryn shares her writing on her Facebook Page and on her blog site – “Musing-In-The-City.”

I made cake today for a reason.

This morning when I awoke, I learned that yet another friend has cancer. This is now two friends with fresh cancer news in the last two weeks.

A dear friend of my husband’s (and since we’ve been married, he and his wife have become very special to me as well) passed away today; way too young.

I have family members who are fighting serious illnesses. I have friends who are waiting for major surgeries. Friends losing people close to them. Friends getting ugly health reports.

My heart is so heavy, it’s almost sunk deep into my toes. I pray all day for strength to these families. And in the middle of it all, I made cake.chocolate-cake

Cake is a pleasure.

It’s associated to celebratory events like a birthday, or to salute an anniversary.

Cake is fun.

Cake waiting on the kitchen counter means something exciting is imminently happening.
Cake makes people smile.
Cake cheers. It brings feelings of bliss and lips smack with anticipation.
Cake adds a delicious scent to the home.
Cake is happy.

Today, we needed something happy.

Making cake is not a flippant gesture. Some may say, “in the face of such grief, who makes cake?”.

I do.chocolate cake2

Looking for Joy in Sorrow

Cake, in it’s purest form (happy food) is a way to find joy amid the sorrow. It’s like a mom giving a child with a freshly bandaged wound, a small candy or cookie. It’s also a delicious and sweet way to celebrate this very moment.

Sugar may not be everyone’s answer to a tough day. But, sometimes, you have to shed the rules and the ‘what’s-best-for-me’ suggestions that we read, endlessly on social media and news, and enjoy a slice of cake.

Sometimes what’s best for me [us] is to live life abundantly and celebrate this moment.

No one is guaranteed tomorrow. My heart is very tender today; bruised with compassion.

I can’t fix these things.
I am not a doctor.
I am not an expert on medicine.
But, I can pray.
I can listen.
I can support.
I can bake.

And today I prayed and gave my grief to God.

Tonight, we’ll likely be quiet.

We’ll enjoy a slice of cake, maybe a coffee, sit outside on the deck, listen to the birds, watch a sunset, finish the cake and breathe.

It will be a simple, soothing celebration of the moment.

Do not worry, prayer will continue long after the cake is gone.

APPLICATION: How do you deal with loss? Send a note to Ryn by leaving a comment below. Thank you.

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 44 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers


  • Please let me eat cake…and breathe.

  • Tara Sinanan says:

    Keep making cake, load up with cream cheese icing…good comfort food. I love to make cake, carrot cake and upside down pineapple cake, cover up the sugar with vegetable and fruit. It’s soothing to a tender heart bruised with pain and compassion for others. I know that feeling of pain and suffering when others hurt.
    Our world is so filled with diseases , cancer, depression and diseases too numerous to mention even though we have the best doctors, medicine and nutritional food like never before. We need a slice of comfort cake. God gave you a tender heart filled with compassion to pray, love and comfort those who are suffering and added grace to comfort their loved ones left to grieve. Keep on having a slice of cake and tea or coffee. Giving over your grief to God, it’s real comfort. Quiet time will take you to that place. Pray and read your bible. My comfort is John 14: 1-7. Jesus assures us that He is preparing a place for us….I know my Mom and Dad is with Him in that place.
    God will comfort you. Our GOD is good God. He will never leave you or forsake you.

  • bob jones says:

    I’ll forward your thots on to Ryn. Thank you for such an encouraging and empathetic comment, Tara.

  • bob jones says:

    Comfort to you, my friend.

  • adena lowry says:

    I made cake last year for my son’s birthday. It was horrible. We tried to camouflage the problems with jam and icing but ended up throwing the whole thing in the garbage. The next morning we got up early, went to safeway to buy a gorgeously decorated mango cake. Funny how encouraging my son was throughout the whole ordeal. He kept saying it was fine, don’t worry, it’s not that important. There’s something about kids and sugar. So often we get ourselves into a dither, worked up over the details, and throw peace out the Window. But then God nudges us and whispers, “Take my peace. Here, I give it to you freely, all you have to do is trust me.”. Luke 12:32…”Don’t be afraid little flock….” this passage reminds me to hand my worries to God and hand the baking over to him. 😉

  • adena lowry says:

    Through God, everything can be a piece of cake.

  • bob jones says:

    Moms, kids and cake – a divine trio of love. Thanks for posting, Adena. Have a sweet day!

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