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24 Golden Rules For Getting Along With Anyone Life Formation

24 Golden Rules For Getting Along With Anyone

When John D. Rockefeller was asked what quality he was willing to pay for the most when hiring employees, he responded without hesitation, "The ability to get along with people." - See more at: When John D. Rockefeller was asked what quality he was willing to pay for the most when hiring employees, he responded without hesitation, "The ability to get along with people." - See more at: When John D. Rockefeller was asked what quality he was willing to pay for the most when hiring employees, he responded without hesitation, "The ability to get along with people." - See more at: is relationships - the rest is just details. John D. Rockefeller was asked what quality…
Bob Jones
March 1, 2020


The most misunderstood person on the planet is an introvert. The reason you don't hear much about that from us is because we are introverts. Silent no more. I'm coming out of my shell to explode ten myths about introverts. MYTH #1 - Introverts don't like to talk. Not true at all. I am a preacher. Some people say I talk too much. I don't like to talk unless I have something to say. Introverts hate small talk. I default to the serious all the time  - or talking family,  church, writing, Jesus or  football. Get an introvert talking about something they are interested in and they won't stop talking for minutes. MYTH #2 - Introverts don't know how to…
Bob Jones
March 9, 2016
YOU MATTER TO GOD Uncategorized


People matter to God - those four words  sum up who North Pointe is and why we do what do. The North Pointe family includes people from 85 nations and every continent of the world! People come as they are.  They belong, believe and become the person God created them to be. 10 MEMORIES FROM 2015 ONE: We launched our 3rd Sunday service in September 7, 2014 as an option for people who needed a later service time on a Sunday.  This service quickly developed its own unique character. If you haven't attended a 3rd service yet, come to one this year! A hi-lite was our Hispanic after-church luncheon with delicious foods from El Salvador and Guatemala cooked by none…
Bob Jones
October 14, 2015