John D. Rockefeller was asked what quality he was most willing to pay for when hiring employees. His response? Without hesitation he said, “The ability to get along with others.” Get along to go along.
24 Rules For Getting Along With Anyone. (OK. Almost anyone.)
1. Remember: Difficult people are difficult because difficult works for them.
2. Keep disagreements from becoming arguments by welcoming the disagreement.
3. Remember that a person’s name is to that person the most important sound in any language.
4. You don’t have to be angry before you can be firm.
5. Take the high road.
6. Think before you speak – thoughtless words leave lasting wounds.
7. Give honest, sincere appreciation.
8. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
9. Become genuinely interested in other people. Think first of the other person.
10. Make the other person feel important – and do it sincerely.
11. Make promises sparingly and keep them faithfully.
12. Show respect for the other person’s opinion. Never say, “You’re wrong.”
13. If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.
14. Don’t backstab, condemn or complain.
15. Try honestly to see things from the other person’s point of view.
16. Make getting along your goal. You’ve got to get along to go along.
17. Develop spiritual depth in yourself and share this strength with others.
18. Ask questions instead of giving direct orders.
19. Let the other person save face.
20. Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement.
21. Seek to understand before being understood. Do unto others as they would have you do unto them.
22. Use encouragement generously. Praise publicly. Correct privately.
23. Smile.
24. Smile again.
Life is relationships – the rest is just details.
Do you have another “rule” that works for you? Please leave a comment below. Thank you.
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Sure miss you PB!!! You’re an awesome Pastor, humble man, and inspirational person. HUGS!!!
Thanks for the hugs and kudos. You and Rob are missed at NP. You are great at getting along with people!
I like number 16 – so true!
This is all so true
Thanks, Karen.
I’m glad you’re not trying to be difficult. 🙂
Dear bro.bob Jones thank you, you are right it all makes sense.
No disagreements, PB
Wonderful thoughts.
Great reminders
I have many friends that could agrre with this.
I am very fortunate.
Sure miss you and Jocelyn. You bith are the example of this.
I’m so glad to know. You.
God bless, Carole
Yes Jocelyn #16 Is good. And an add on could be bite your tongue till it bleeds.
I should post these beside my phone. Thank You for your encouragement your wisdom and being there for us PB.
Sounds painful, Teresa. But so are thoughtless words. Too bad we can’t disinfect phone conversations to prevent the harmful spread of hurt.
Often it’s not our advice he/she wants, just someone to listen.