This is Part 2 of Cpl Craig Silverson's journey through PTSD. You can follow him at @CraigSilverson There was no escaping it! From helmet to boots. Once you stepped off, it was there. Moon dust. It was so fine, similar to baby powder, that underneath my feet tiny clouds would appear. To my surprise the landscape had changed and the terrain had become hard and clay like. Fractured. The stark contrast captivated me. An image that I would later see when I looked in the mirror. Underneath the surface and often barely evident was our biggest threat, Improvised Explosive Devices. Now my anger had become my own IED and the slightest thing would set me off! I desperately wanted my…
Bob JonesNovember 10, 2019
My friend Craig Silverson is a Canadian veteran of Afghanistan and a brother in the faith. I admire his courage. You can follow Craig on Twitter at @CraigSilverson. (more…)
Bob JonesOctober 3, 2019
Azalea Lehndorff 's idea was to build classrooms in Afghanistan for girls. She felt empowered and saw an opportunity to do something huge for a better world - she's one of my heroes. (more…)
Jones BobJune 16, 2019