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March 17th is St. Patrick's Day - a fun excuse to wear green, speak with an Irish accent and drink green colored beverages. But there's so much more to the day and the man, Patrick. The Saint Ain't Irish Patrick is probably the best known "saint" in the world. Typically, establishing clear insight into people who lived over 1500 years ago is a challenge because of a lack of information. Patrick presents the opposite challenge - there is so much written about him that it is hard to separate fact from folklore. What we do know for sure is: * Patrick was English not Irish. * Patrick did not wear green. * Patrick did NOT drive all the snakes out…
Bob Jones
March 18, 2015


If this was the ONLY book you read this year by a Christian leader you would draw the incorrect conclusion that the Church reeks. I think it rocks...and I think deep down Jim Cymbala feels that way too. He is negative about the state of the Church, critical of pastoral priorities and practices and is of the opinion that very little good or godly is going on in North American ministries. Hard to Argue With Prayer Pastor Cymbala repeatedly states that he has written the book out of humility and concern and certainly not from a perspective that he has all the answers. He then goes on to give his answer to all of the problems in the Church –…
Bob Jones
March 15, 2015

Shawn’s Story: Wrestling For My Life

Shawn Michaels made his career in an industry that often has no basis in reality. It is a world of "the camel clutch," "pile drivers," and "submission holds." In his biography, "Wrestling For My Life" Michaels tells the story of a different kind of submission hold - one that was based in reality. I watched him grapple with the likes of "The Undertaker," "Ravishing Rick Flair," "Triple H" and "Stone Cold Steve Austin" in the WWF and the WWE. Michaels was one of the bad guys - a wrestler and a man people loved to boo - cocky, arrogant and self-centered. He was a self-described addict, drunk and a pill-popper. He lives his life now in the center of reality…
Bob Jones
March 11, 2015


WAIT is a word we least I do. I get frustrated waiting on fast food or waiting behind the slow car in the fast lane. Aren’t we all in a rush to get to the next place or the next thing? My cell phone battery malfunctions at the worst of times. “I just had 34% battery life and now it's dead!” Waiting for the phone to recharge only takes a few minutes but feels like eons. “Come on!” We live in one of the most individualistic cultures in the world, which means we want what we want — and we want it now, and it better be quick and easy. Waiting on God An impatient mindset often carries over…
Bob Jones
March 8, 2015


When was the last time you had to pinch yourself so you wouldn’t miss the moment you were living? For me it was feeling the sea breeze on my face and the wooden deck of the boat beneath my feet as we silently glided across the surface of a sea called, “Galilee.” PINCH. Could this have been the very place that 2000 years ago, Jesus, awakened by his anxious disciples, spoke calm to a furious storm? Were the hills on the horizon the long ago home of the Gaderene who was possessed by a legion of demons? Might it have been at this spot that Jesus appeared, walking on the water on a moon lit night, and invited Peter to become…
Bob Jones
February 22, 2015


Just when I needed it most I found Joshua 1:8 or better still, it found me. Over two decades later, this verse has repeatedly shone a bright light on challenging times - its my life verse. My life changed radically in May 1994 when I was asked to give leadership to a church that had been known as “the flagship” of the Pentecostal Assemblies Of Canada. I needed all the help I could get to lead. The words of Joshua 1:8  caught my attention.  “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. I will be with you wherever you go.” Courage and inner strength would come in handy, I thought. Do You Have Big Shoes To…
Bob Jones
February 2, 2015


Exhausted. Overwhelmed. Overscheduled. Sound familiar? Been there. Done that. Bought the t-shirt. Today’s velocity of life can consume and control us. That’s where the danger lies: When we spend our lives doing things that keep us busy but don’t really matter, we sacrifice the things that do. Pastor Bill Hybels says, "Simplified living requires more than just organizing your closets or cleaning out your desk drawer. It requires uncluttering your soul." You CAN stop doing the stuff that doesn't matter and build your life on the things that do matter. 10 Simplifying Transitions 1. FROM RESTLESS TO FULFILLED - Examine and refine my working world. 2. FROM WOUNDED TO WHOLE - Forgive. 3. FROM ANXIOUS TO PEACEFUL - Face my…
Bob Jones
February 2, 2015

The Drop Box

The Drop Box is a new documentary from Focus on the Family Canada that tells the story of South Korean Pastor Lee Jong-rak and his heroic efforts to embrace his community’s most vulnerable children. Hundreds of unwanted babies are abandoned to die on the streets of Seoul, South Korea every year. By installing a drop box outside his home, Pastor Lee provides a safe haven to babies who would otherwise be abandoned on the streets to die. This film is a heart-wrenching exploration of the physical and emotional toll associated with providing refuge to those forgotten by the surrounding culture. A STORY OF HOPE But it is also a story of hope, and a celebration of the reality that every…
Bob Jones
February 2, 2015


It’s hard to feel strong when you’re staring failure in the face. Maybe you’ve lost a job, had to close a business, or been told that your brilliant idea won’t work. You feel like a complete failure. But I have news for you: It’s what you do next that counts. Next Winston Churchill said, “Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” In other words, the one thing mentally tough people never do is give up just because they failed. Sometimes you think everyone is great at doing life or business or ministry, except you.  The truth is, we all fail. Mining Failure For Gain The key is discovering lessons you can learn from your failures. Here's…
Bob Jones
February 2, 2015


I don’t remember asking my mom to teach me to walk. In fact I don’t remember much about the process – stand, stumble, fall, repeat. I was on my knees in prayer one day when all those thoughts came running through my mind. I paused my prayer and through a tearful smile I said, “I get it.” When What's Supposed to Be, Isn't You see there are certain things in life that are meant to be natural – we are to learn them before we realize we are learning and they should stick with us our whole lives – like walking. But sometimes an injury, disease or catastrophic event comes and causes what’s supposed to be, to cease from being.…
Bob Jones
January 18, 2015