291 Days and Counting
"The sun comes up, its a new day dawning, its time to sing your song again." 2013 is 291 days old and counting. Have you made your days count for something? In January 2013 we invited people at North Pointe to pick a word for the coming year that could characterize their experiences. My word was "intrepid." Jocelyn's was "resolute." Kristen Fersovitch's was "purposeful." A sampling of others were "crave," "yes," "intentional," "influence," and mark." The word chosen for our church family was “awaken.” It comes from the verse, “Be up and awake to what God is doing!” Romans 13:11(The Message) We had an expectation that God would work a spiritual awakening in the lives of people through North Pointe.…
Bob JonesOctober 16, 2013