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What comes into your mind when you think about God? What's the first word? What's the first feeling? One of my favorite resources for growing faith in God is written by A. W. Tozer - The Knowledge of the Holy. Are you are trying to increase your knowledge of God? Consider the following: 4 Insights About Your Idea Of God 1. "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."  What do you think of - and how do you feel - when you think about God? 2. "Man’s spiritual history will positively demonstrate that no religion has ever been greater than its idea of God. Worship is as pure or base…
Jones Bob
July 12, 2012


For thousands of years the curious and the romantic have studied the night sky and wondered if anything else is out there. Four centuries ago Galileo Galilie answered the question of the ages. He trained a telescope on the heavens and saw objects that no other person had ever seen: hundreds of stars, mountains on the Moon, satellites of Jupiter. Since then we've found planets around other stars, one hundred billion stars in our galaxy, and hundreds of billions of galaxies beyond our own. The 4% Universe According to physicists most of the Universe is still to be discovered. In 2010, Richard Panek, a journalist not a physicist, summed up what he gleaned from physicists by saying, “only 4 percent…
Jones Bob
July 7, 2012
Hold On Uncategorized

Hold On

Here's a good news story for you. CTV interviewed Kristen Fersovitch on June 28th, about her singing and recording. Continue to pray for Kristen and Mike and pass the word along to focus prayer on healing for her.  Join the "Breakfast Club" - a group of people who are fasting and praying from 12AM - 12PM any day of the week for Kristen and others.  Send a note to
Jones Bob
June 29, 2012
A Day in Kristen’s Life Uncategorized

A Day in Kristen’s Life

One snapshot of a day in Kristen Fersovitch's life - June 22, 2012. When I read her posts or talked to her, my prayer was, "Lord make her body as healthy as her spirit." Insight into what Kristen needed us to pray for. You probably know someone like Kristen who is going through a battle. You are supporting them and praying for them. You can find inspiration in the book "Ornament" - a legacy of Kristen's faith, joy and hope. Purchase it here.
Jones Bob
June 22, 2012
It Takes a Team Uncategorized

It Takes a Team

The last page of Sports Illustrated is the first page I always turn to. Often there is "a human interest" story. The June 4th issue had one such story about a girl named Jaclyn. At the age of 9 she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Now at the age of 17, she credits her survival to the Women's lacrose team at Northwestern University who became like big sisters to her during her treatments. Their affect on her was so profound that Jaclyn started her own foundation to connect elite sports teams with children suffering from brain tumors. And...Northwestern was so inspired by Jacyln's courage they went out and won 5 National Championships in a row, dedicating each season to…
Jones Bob
June 10, 2012
Make Jesus Known Uncategorized

Make Jesus Known

The Kony 2012 revolution - viral in March; virtually invisible in April. It was a good idea that started so well. It had a 2 month run. What a difference after two millenniums with the Jesus revolution. From 120 followers in 33AD to 2.2 billion believers today. Its the difference between a good idea and God's idea. The Jesus revolution is not without its challenges, but when Jesus is kept the main thing, the revolution works. The first recorded prayer of the new Christians kept Jesus the main thing. They were facing persecution, imprisonment, beatings and death threats. But their request of God? Acts 4:24-31 - "...they raised their voices together in prayer to God. 'Lord, consider their threats and…
Jones Bob
April 23, 2012
The Day After – April 2nd Uncategorized

The Day After – April 2nd

On Sunday we referred to some of the great April Fools Day hoaxes: Taco Bell's "purchase" and renaming of the Liberty Bell in 1996; the "Left-Handed Whooper" of 1998; Starbuck's “Plenta” and “Micra” sizes in 2010; 2012's Google's "Street Roo" in Australia and crushed cochineal bugs in Starbuck's Strawberry Frappuccinos. O wait. That last one isn't a hoax. It is true. Starbucks has gone all natural and replaced artificial colouring with all natural ingredients by using the residue from crushed cochineal bugs to add a pink hue to their Strawberry Fraps.  The move is bugging Vegans because the Fraps aren't Vegan anymore. Bugs from mainly Mexico and South America are dried out before they are ground and used in the…
Jones Bob
April 2, 2012
Too Soon Uncategorized

Too Soon

Its always too soon to quit. When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit- Rest if you must, but don't you quit. Life is queer with its twists and turns, As every one of us sometimes learns, And many a fellow turns about When he might have won had he stuck it out. Don't give up though the pace seems slow - You may succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer than It seems to a faint and faltering man; Often the…
Jones Bob
March 20, 2012
Submission Holds Uncategorized

Submission Holds

Submission holds! No, not the WWE kind. The raw truth is that submission is the glue that holds relationships together and in particular, marriage. “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” (Ephesians 5:21) Mutual submission - the Church to Christ and Christ to the Church; a pastor to their congregation and the congregation to their pastor; a wife to her husband and a husband to his wife – is the single most binding factor in relationships. Submission is not subservience. Submission is about problem-solving and getting along; its God’s common sense for success in life. When we work submission, submission works. Ephesians 5:22 says, “Wives submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.” The…
Jones Bob
March 13, 2012
Joseph Kony 2012 Uncategorized

Joseph Kony 2012

I first heard of Kony when I was in Uganda in 1988 leading a missions team from Montreal to Kampala. His use of the 10 Commandments and “holy oil” to protect himself and his child-soldiers against bullets was ironically, a Satanic strategy. On March 5th, 2012 a video released by 3 young professionals and their organization, “Invisible Children” went viral and absolutely exceeded their expectations of exposure. Many teens, young adults and young professionals from North Pointe saw and forwarded the video. Some have been inspired to take action. Invisible Children has come under intense scrutiny and criticism and have responded with humility and transparency. The following links are informative. Taking action – that has impressed me the…
Jones Bob
March 8, 2012