There will quite simply never be anyone else like Tom Brady who will forever be synonymous with winning, dedication, hard work, longevity, teamwork, and more winning.
Lisa LaFlamme is one of the last voices Jocelyn and I hear most nights before shutting off the lights in our living room. Monday to Friday we see the very last thing she does in her day, which is present a news cast. That all changed in June 2022.
Sarah Bessey writes “field notes” every week from the middle of her life, telling the truth as she understands it. She will poke and prod you to think about what kind of person you are becoming.
Anyone who has ever failed to keep a New Year’s resolution will accept the thesis of You Are What You Love: Human beings don’t do what we know we ought to do; instead, we do what, deep down, we want to do.
2021 has been the most challenging yet (lol), but on the flip side of hardship is learning, authenticity, growth, and reward. God is good! Abbey Martin