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The most influential mentors of the Christian faith agree on one thing: there is a single, solitary, spiritual exercise to strengthen your faith.

Chuck Swindoll, no slouch when it comes to spiritual formation said, “I know of no other single practice in the Christian life more rewarding. No other single exercise pays greater spiritual dividends.”

Dallas Willard, the late guru of spiritual practices said, “Its absolutely fundamental to spiritual formation. It fills our mind with what it needs.”

What is this ultimate exercise that accelerates spiritual growth?

Workout For Your Spirit

Memorizing Bible verses is like an intense gym workout. It will stretch your mind and grow your reserve of faith.

Dr. Howard Hendricks said that if he had his druthers every student at Dallas Theological Seminary would need to memorize one thousand verses in order to graduate.

baby weights

The Bible And You

I teach a class on how to get the most out of your Bible. Participants are challenged through memorization exercises.  They commit to memory all of John 1:1-12

The verses are the most succinct Bible statements about creation and the nature and work of Jesus.

Students share their experiences about memorizing. They enter the exercise without much enthusiasm. They emerge as raving fans.

Their genuine enthusiasm for what happens in their lives is palpable.

7 Passionate Endorsements of Memorization

* “Memorizing brought the verses to life. It made the verses feel like 3D. They had substance to them.”

* “I was engaged with the Bible like I hadn’t been before. It was more than a memorizing exercise. It was a spiritual experience.”

* “Thinking about my life and my problems the verses said to me, “God’s got this.””

* “I felt drawn to God memorizing them. I felt like God was saying to me, “You are one of mine.””

* “I had a new appreciation for the Bible and for God.”

* “It started as just words. But when I memorized them and repeated them and took them into my heart, it clicked with me.”

* “He was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not. He came unto his own and his own received him not.” I felt the sadness in that verse. That’s how God feels.”

If I had to choose between all the disciplines of the spiritual life, I would choose memorization.

Bible memorization

6 Tips On Memorization Techniques

1. Include the reference. Say it at the beginning and the end when reading or speaking so that it is included in your memorization.

2. Write the verse on an index card – or several index cards. Post your verse where you will see it throughout the day.

  • Clip it to your page marker in your Daily planner. .
  • Post it above your sink in the kitchen.
  • Add it to your mirror in the bathroom where you brush your teeth.
  • Email it to your mobile devise
  • Type it into a “stickie” on your desktop.

3. Memorize a verse at a time. This is especially helpful on longer verses or passages. Break the verse down into logical phrases to make it easier to remember. Once you have one phrase memorized, add the next one.

4. Read your memory verse or say it out loud. Over and over and over and over.

5. Share it with someone. Think of someone in your life who would benefit from hearing the verse you’re memorizing.

6. Have someone check you to ensure that you are memorizing correctly.

Getting Started

Ready to go? Start with Psalm 23. The verses are familiar so they should help you get an early win under your belt.

What are you waiting for?

Let me know your experience with memorizing Psalm 23. Leave your comment below. Thank you.

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 44 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers


  • Brian Glubish says:

    Pastor Bob! You really got my attention. “Pay attention and listen to the sayings of the wise; apply your heart to what I teach, for IT IS PLEASING WHEN YOU KEEP THEM IN YOUR HEART AND HAVE ALL OF THEM READY ON YOUR LIPS.”

  • Carole Schlachta says:

    I was reading your teaching and thought that crossed my mind was this:
    Being the living word it truly gives us life and life abundantly!
    Thank you Pastor Bob

  • bob jones says:

    Of all people you would know the value of this exercise. Memorizing the entire Book of Proverbs is a great spiritual workout. Glad to know I got your attention! I should have had YOU talk about the value of memorization/meditation.

  • bob jones says:

    The Word has a great way of doing that.

  • Brian Glubish says:

    You did ask me to consider contributing back at Sylvan. I will be speaking in a few weeks on the theme: Scripture As a Means of Grace. Keep inspiring others to join the Psalm 119:97 Club!

  • Vahen King says:

    Back in 2016, when I had the burden to really pray for my physical health, God also showed me a vision of the Church and it wasnt good. (Another powerful story in there) but simply put, He showed me the image of Ezekiel 37. And I knew I was to memorize this and pray it over myself and the church.
    When this happens, O my people, you will know that I am the Lord.
    Ezekiel 37:13 NLT
    To show God’s power to the world.
    And I did most of the steps, I didnt put it on mirrors, but did most of the others, I even influenced my husband to start memorizing scripture, and would quote it as my prayer every day. but unfortunately and sadly,I’ve fallen off the memory wagon. And the praying of this Powerful prayer.
    BUT TODAY, as I read this empowering blog, and in light of what I’m currently experiencing, I know IT’S TIME TO GET BACK ON. In fact it’s confirmation that IT’S TIME! But not just to feel good about memorizing scripture, even though that’s great, But to have more POWER IN PRAYER AS I PRAY PLAN AND PUSH FORWARD like Nehemiah did when he rebuilt the wall. IT’S TIME TO PRAY AND PUSH THROUGH FOR YOUR BREAKTHROUGH
    THANK YOU Pastor Bob for this VERY TIMLEY AND POWERFUL CHALLENGE, and I give you FULL FREEDOM to hold me accountable.

    Let us think of ways to motivate (and spur) one another to acts of love and good works.
    Hebrews 10:24 NLT

    Thank you for SPURING me on this morning!

    BUT THIS I CALL TO MIND…Lamentations 3:21-23

  • Bob Jones says:

    So glad the post was helpful to you, Vahen. You are a champion. If you haven’t memorized John 1:1-12, I suggest starting there.

  • Sheila Parlby says:

    I am intrigued with this exercise. I remember when Jocelyn had memorized scripture from the book of John and recited it to the congregation at North Pointe some time ago. I remember being so impressed by her and thought how this process was how God’s word was shared long before there were any printed copies were ever available for general consumption.

    Each night before sleep I say the Lord’s Prayer and recite Psalm 23. KJV. God bless you for sharing this exercise of memorizing the scripture verses to grow faith.

  • Adena Lowry says:

    I’m often memorizing scripture with my students . It’s great for me bc I can do it as my job. How beautiful is this ?♥️

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