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The Top 3 Posts of November 2014
#1 – “5 Things You Need to Know About the Islamic State” 
One year ago, most Canadians had never heard of the Islamic State.
Now, its a term that most Canadians wish they could forget.
The Islamic State is referred to in the media as “ISI” “ISIS” and “ISIL.”
What difference does one letter make? An L of a lot.
#2 – “God Will Provide: Stephen’s Story”
I was nervous….and I had reason to be.
I was about to tell my Jewish mother that I was seriously thinking of getting engaged and I didn’t know how she would take it.
She liked Patti as a person well enough. We’d been dating for a year and that was no big deal. But Patti wasn’t Jewish and so marriage, I knew, would be another issue.
#3 – “3 Life Lessons From Kristen Fersovitch”
Death makes you sit up and take notice of life.
When someone dear to you dies, the lessons about living can be priceless.
I was blessed to know Kristen Miller Fersovitch for 23 years.
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