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bullyingThe “Leave It to Beaver” model of society from the early 1960s is a distant memory. Today, rude rules. 

Reality television programs showcase domestic and social interactions driven by narcissism, competition and selfishness.

From road rage in the morning commute to high decibel cell-phone conversations that ruin dinner out, behaving badly has become the hallmark of a me-first, bully world.


Schoolyard to Facebook Bullies

Today’s students face the age old issue of “school yard” bullies. They also face a more painful emotional and relational bullying on social media. Facebook can become “Hatebook” and Instagram, Snapchat and Kik hold their own kind of danger.

Teens across Canada have been driven to despair because of bullying on social media.

Some have taken their own lives as a result.

Keeping Our Children Safe

Dr. Douglas Fields, neurobiologist warns, “Children today are raised in an environment that is far more hostile than the environment that nurtured today’s adults. They are exposed to behaviors, profane language, hostilities and stress from which we adults, raised a generation ago, were carefully shielded.

“A disrespectful, stressful social environment is a neurotoxin for the brain and psyche, and the scars are permanent.”

The Alberta Government website has links to “Bully Free Alberta,” “Anti-Bullying,” “B-free – Stop Bullying,” “Internet Safety,” “Keep Your Children Safe.”

Alberta’s Ministry of Family and Community Safety is focused on creating the “gold standard” for anti-bullying measures in the country.

A Gold Standard Of Behaviour

There already is a “gold standard” of behavior.  Jesus set the bar in saying “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

It’s time for followers of Jesus to step up and be the standard of civility.

Be a student’s biggest cheerleader. All students.

Create a caring, respectful and safe environment at home and in classrooms.

Come As You Are

Youth Ministries like Anomaly Youth at North Pointe provide the special kind of support only a “come as you are” faith community can offer.

Don’t let rude rule.

Watch North Pointe’s Youth Ministry’s presentation of “Paradise” – an anti-bullying production.

Gain valuable insight into youth culture today and the way faith in Jesus Christ can help teens thrive.

APPLICATION: Support the teens in your family and your community. Be a champion of anti-bullying. Please share and leave a comment below.

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 45 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers

One Comment

  • Steven Alder says:

    This is great , thank you for posting this.
    Colleen and I had to have another meeting at the school early this week because of a couple of kids bullying Daniel

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