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“The Little Red Book of Wisdom” had me from the dedication page. Mark DeMoss said he wrote this book “to thank my father and to prepare my boy and two girls in the way my father prepared me.” I the like the concept of the book even more than the content of the book and the content is pretty good.
Much like Solomon, who collected wisdom proverbs for the benefits of his children, DeMoss collects his thoughts and experiences as a legacy for his children. I think every parent should do this. It’s a wise practice. That’s one of my takeaway’s from the book.
The 190 pages makes it a short read but one from which I have a lot of takeaways.

DeMoss has rubbed shoulders with people I would have enjoyed meeting, from Charles “Tremendous” Jones to Millard Fuller to Joey Reiman. If you don’t know who Joey Reiman is, the chapter entitled, “Work Less, Think More” is for you. Reiman heads Brighthouse, the first “ideation corporation.” DeMoss credits Reiman with helping his company develop a culture of “thinking” to give him an edge in business. Reiman’s book, “Thinking for a Living” is now next on my list to read.
“Buy Some Stamps” is a challenging chapter on the lost art of letter writing as opposed to emails, texts and tweets. There is something endearing about a handwritten or even typewritten note on stationary. It says “time,” “thoughtfulness” and “enduring.” If you read and file notes of encouragement, then you know how many cards and letters vs emails you have in your file.
“Money Isn’t Everything, Good People Are” is a chapter on how he treats his employees. There are some valuable practices and provisions that he makes that are worth emulating. His perspective on the contribution of his staff is healthy – “without good people – trusted, respected, professional, motivated, inspired, rested people – I have no firm.” For the owner of a PR firm, DeMoss is more substance than hype when it comes to values.

I am not sure what Georgia, Mookie and Madison – DeMoss’ children – think of their father’s writings, but I believe my children, and staff will benefit from the inspiration I received from his little red  book.
Thank you Booksneeze for providing me a copy of this book to read.

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