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Life is a journey filled with lessons, hardships, heartaches, joys, celebrations and encounters that will lead you to your ultimate purpose.

The Journey

This journey is far from being smooth. Along the path you will come face to face with forces of good and evil.

The Bible describes these forces as The Kingdom of Light and The Kingdom of Darkness. (Colossians 2:10-12)

The journey to purpose is navigated by faith.


1. You start the journey as an EXPLORER.  At some point you begin to understand that there is more to this world than what can be touched or seen. It may begin as a child’s curiosity about the unseen. It may start as an adult who becomes aware of powerful forces around her and within her that influence behaviors and attitudes.

You ask questions:

“Why am I on earth?”
“What is the meaning of life?”
“Is there more to life than meets the eye?”
“What happens after death?”

The obvious answers are sometimes the hardest of all to see.journey4

The Kingdom of Darkness

Everyone is born under the power of the “Kingdom of Darkness.” George Lukas envisioned this power as “the Dark Side” of The Force in Star Wars. Every culture on earth has typified evil in some way.

The Bible calls this power “sin” – the power that causes hatred, hurt, wars, murder, divorce, abuse, addiction, etc.

Coming to this realization is to stand on the edge of the next step in the journey.

The Kingdom of Light

Entering the Kingdom of Light begins with recognizing that you cannot bring lasting change to yourself or to the world – you need a Savior. Someone outside of yourself who is perfect, loving, all powerful, holy and gracious.

Jesus came into the world to be the Savior. You may know this in your head. Bring it to your heart. Cross the faith line by deciding to come as you are to Jesus and and trust Him as your God and Savior.

2. Jesus invites Explorers to believe on Him and become a NEW FOLLOWER. You have, as Jesus said, “been born again.” Following Jesus is not religion – its having a personal relationship with Him. Life takes on a new meaning. You experience forgiveness and can offer forgiveness.

Even the hurts and habits in your life change – they are no longer obstacles to happiness but catalysts for joy and strength. Jesus promises to “work all things together for good.”


3. As your beliefs and behavior become increasingly influenced by what God says you become a GROWING FOLLOWER.  Your knowledge of Jesus grows through prayer; listening to Him; reading and applying the Bible to your life; opening your Spirit completely to the Holy Spirit.

4. Living to please God makes you a CHRIST-CENTRED FOLLOWER.  The hub of a wheel is a helpful illustration of how to live for God. Rather than putting Jesus at the top of a priority list, He is at the center of all your priorities. Your relationships, finances, sexuality, career, emotions, health and everything else – have Jesus at their center.

“Live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way.” Colossians 1:10

This is the way to “please God in all you do.”

QUESTION: Where are you on the journey? Explorer? New Follower? Growing Follower? Christ-Centred Follower? Please leave a comment below.

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  • Patricia McNeil says:

    Where am I on my faith journey? I think about this every day. I really don’t know what to call myself.
    I grew up in a very strong catholic family. As a young adult I began to have a lot of questions that were not answered. I drifted away from my faith. I never lost my beliefs, they were just in the background.
    Many years went by and my faith started to come back through divine intervention as I see it. Trying to work through many losses, I was in trouble. I was a lost sheep when my great Shepherd rescued me.
    I don’t know how to describe my faith. I just know I love God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The Bible is my lifeline which I read everyday. I am working on doing what it says. I am working on becoming better at prayer. I am challenged on how I fit in with other Christians. I don’t know how I belong yet. I just know I’m on this journey and there is no turning back.

  • bob jones says:

    Hello Patricia. I would say from your description you would be a “growing follower” or a “Christ-centred follower.” Keep growing. Its great that you are a part of North Pointe.

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