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Life FormationLife Stories

What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

The queue had stretched out of the Bosnian bakery and onto the street. Starving, war-shattered survivors were lining up for their daily bread. It was 4pm, May 27th, 1992 – one month into the siege of Sarajevo. Suddenly a mortar shell fell directly into the middle of the bread line, obliterating 22 lives. (more…)
Bob Jones
March 31, 2022
Life FormationLife Stories

The Lightening Maker

As I turned off the corrugated dirt road, on to the smooth highway I saw it in my rear-view mirror. The beginnings of a lightning storm that would rival any storm I have ever experience before or since. (more…)
Bob Jones
September 13, 2021


Over the years, I’ve heard the phrase “God is in the business of changing hearts” repeated countless times, and I am living proof that God does exactly that. Music has always been an important part of my life, and I’ve been passionate about its every aspect. Many of my fondest memories are of learning to play new instruments, having jam sessions with friends, and more. This guest post is from Daniela Martins. Daniela followed her heart to Australia on January 19th, 2016 to pursue ministry development at Hillsong International College. She started leading worship on Sunday mornings at North Pointe when she was just 17 years old. That says a lot about her and Pastor Sean Morton for empowering youth…
Bob Jones
January 19, 2016

Awe-Inspiring Sounds of Christmas

Experiencing a North Pointe Sunday of worship for the first time, may feel more like Broadway Avenue than Church Street. That's OK. Worship can be subdued and it can also sparkle. December 14th was our Sunday to sparkle! CHRISTMAS MAKES EVERYTHING NEW For Christmas 2014 our Rock Choir presented, "Christmas Makes Everything New." You can hear the full version below. Some of the choir’s music will carry you. Just listen. Soak it in. Let it inspire you. Worship music communicates in a manner that spoken words cannot. God’s Spirit will make this more than just melodies for you - He’ll make it a ministry to you. HEARTFELT RESPONSES Read what people had to say after experiencing the presentation. "The concert…
Bob Jones
December 17, 2014