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North Pointe


The Happiness Equation: Money + Generosity

“Money can’t buy happiness. “ That’s the common proverb, but its not true. Money can buy happiness…you just need to know what to spend it on. Just ask P.K. Subban of the Montreal Canadians. On September 16, 2015 Subban donated $10 million to the Montreal Children's Hospital - the biggest philanthropic commitment by a sports figure in Canadian history. He said, "It's not about the money; it's about leading by example and bringing a community together. In life I believe you are not defined by what you accomplish, but by what you do for others." 13 Insights To Creating A Life You Can Be Proud Of 1. The words “genius” and “generous” come from the Latin root “genere” meaning “to…
Bob Jones
February 5, 2014


Your attitude determines your altitude. Here are 10 images and sayings that serve as an attitude check. Which ones speak to you? 1. "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7 2. What you see in the world around you is a reflection of... 3. Worry is a total waste of time. It doesn't change anything. All it does is steal your joy and keeps you very busy doing nothing.   4. Just because I'm mad doesn't mean I stop caring. 5. Today's special and so are you. 6. Don't burn your opportunities. 7. How to keep from stressing out... 8. I love the kind of hugs when you physically feel the sadness leave your body.…
Bob Jones
February 2, 2014


In January 2014, I sat in Row B at IMAX for a one-of-a-kind, 3D immersion into parts of Jerusalem and the Holy Land that most tourists and pilgrims never see. I was hooked. Over the past three decades I've always declined invitations to lead a tour to Israel. Not that I don't revere "the Holy Land" but I never felt compelled to travel there. Now, Jerusalem had become irresistible. Within a week of viewing the film we booked a tour to Israel and Jordan with International Tours. We're going back again in March 2019 and you could join us. 10 Irresistible Things About Israel and Jerusalem 1. Jerusalem, not Toronto, is the center of the Universe. Jerusalem lies close to…
Bob Jones
January 26, 2014


What does Christianity give us beyond televangelists, potlucks, and bad basketball leagues?  Not much, according to some.  The world, they say, would be a better place without Christianity. That's where a story like "The Grace Effect" can change hearts and minds. The "grace effect" is an observable phenomenon that life is demonstrably better where authentic Christianity flourishes. An Odd Couple The book opens with a story about a truly odd couple - the Christian author, Larry Taunton and Christopher Hitchens, the atheist author of God is Not Great. Taunton hosted Hitchens at numerous debates on the existence of God across the US. After one such debate Hitchens challenged Taunton with a question about what Christianity has done for society, lately.…
Jones Bob
January 10, 2014

A Bible Reading Plan for You

It’s the START that STOPS the average person. Don't get stopped at START. Here are three things that have made a big difference in getting me STARTED everyday in reading the Bible. 1. Prioritize. First things should be first. Its so easy to become distracted. Before I read anything else, I read a portion of the Bible. Just doing that reminds my spirit that the Bible is vital for my life. 2. Digitize. I use the Youversion Bible app on my smartphone. Its free. Its easy to use. It makes the Bible handy. I can instantly access a couple of dozen versions if I want to see a verse from different angles. I use a printed version of the Bible…
Bob Jones
January 5, 2014


The right words at the right time can inspire a breakthrough in your life. A quote can have the power to get you through a bad week or the courage to pursue your dreams. My 26 All Time Favorite Quotes 1. Difficult people are difficult because difficult has worked for them. 2. “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God." Mark 10:27 3. Two anxieties dominate much of our lives: an unchangeable past & an unpredictable future. Forgiving changes the past and promising secures the future. 4. Speak your mind. Those who matter won't mind, and those who mind don't matter. 5. The Introvert advantage - intellectual persistence, prudent thinking, & the ability…
Bob Jones
December 15, 2013


It's harvest time in Alberta! “Rural Alberta is a noisy, dusty, hectic place these days — and nights — as farmers on combines harvest their crop." Harvest Time In the spiritual realm, there is also a waiting harvest. Jesus said, “Open your eyes, and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” John 4:35 (NIV) Alberta has had “ideal growing conditions” for a harvest of souls: Moisture – the blessings of God have been abundant in Alberta making it a prosperous province. Now is the time to use our prosperity generously to reach out to others. Heat – believers in Alberta have been praying for months for this harvest. Wind – the “wind of the Holy Spirit” is blowing…
Bob Jones
September 17, 2013


God never wastes anything…not even your pain. The pain we experience in life is precious. God cares for you, so He will never waste your pain. Greg and Sherry Stevens understand that truth. Their 13-year old daughter Cassie passed away on July 17, 2013 after a courageous battle with cancer. I knew Cassie only “from a distance.” She lived in Nevada and made summer visits to our church, North Pointe, to be with her grandparents. She was there when her grandfather, Richard, was baptized in water. Then there were the prayer times when she was hospitalized in California after the onset of brain cancer. Though distant, she was close to our hearts. Cassie passed away in July 2013 from cancer.…
Bob Jones
August 13, 2013


What comes into your mind when you think about God? What's the first word? What's the first feeling? One of my favorite resources for growing faith in God is written by A. W. Tozer - The Knowledge of the Holy. Are you are trying to increase your knowledge of God? Consider the following: 4 Insights About Your Idea Of God 1. "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."  What do you think of - and how do you feel - when you think about God? 2. "Man’s spiritual history will positively demonstrate that no religion has ever been greater than its idea of God. Worship is as pure or base…
Jones Bob
July 12, 2012