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how can I forgive

Life FormationLife Stories

4 Stories of Forgiveness

It wasn't all that long ago that these four stories occupied headlines around the world. Reporters were shocked and awed. Families whose loved ones were ripped out of their lives by hatred, found it in their hearts to respond with unmerited forgiveness. (more…)
Bob Jones
May 12, 2022


Malcolm Gladwell has authored best-sellers about the power of timing, tipping points, ideas, love, death and miracles. None of them could sustain his Christian faith. Gladwell says, “I was raised in a Christian home in Southwestern Ontario. My parents took time each morning to read the Bible and pray. Both my brothers are devout. My sister-in-law is a Mennonite pastor. I have had a different experience from the rest of my family. I was the only one to move away from Canada. And I have been the only one to move away from the Church." Finding God's Power In The Least Likely Place "I have always believed in God. I have grasped the logic of Christian faith. What I have…
Bob Jones
July 6, 2018