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Edmonton Church



From the timeless classic, Wizard of Oz, to Disney's latest blockbuster, Finding Dory, the last century of Hollywood productions agree there's no place like home. The longing for home is so universal there's even a special word for it – “homesick.” Summer camp for elementary-aged campers can be a sweet and sour kind of experience. I asked one of the directors how the kids were doing. "Fantastic, except for a few cases of near-terminal homesickness." No Place Like Home Home is the place where you can be you. A kick-your-shoes-off-and-relax kind of place. Its this longing for home that helped us shape the DNA of North Pointe Community Church. When we opened our doors on Sunday July 16, 2006 we…
Bob Jones
July 20, 2016


North Pointe's ministry is fueled by the passion of the men, women, teens, boys and girls who volunteer. Thank God for them. Julie Whittal is the Chairperson of North Pointe's Missions Committee and she, along with Adena Lowry and Diane Shaw, head up the Walk Run Ride for Hope annual fundraiser. (The WRR involves a 2km, 5km and 10km walk, run or ride that is fantastic for your whole family and raises money for ongoing support of children orphaned by HIV/AIDS in Harare, Zimbabwe.) Julie's Inspiring Experience "I have volunteered with the Walk Run Ride for Hope the last 3 years, and my job has been to collect donations from companies and individuals for our event. I collect money that…
Bob Jones
May 18, 2016


There's a lot to like about Joey Pilgrim. The man is a multi-talented wonder with a pastor's heart. He's sports savvy - cheering for Connor McDavid and which ever team Connor plays on. He's a musician and an artist and has effectively served alongside Jeremy Gifford as an intern in our Youth and Young Adult ministry. We're excited to welcome Joey, a recent grad of Vanguard College, to his full-time role as a pastor to Young Adults, Youth and IT/Computer/Media Support. He's already got a supportive crew of young adults and youth who look forward to seeing what God will do in and through them. Take a moment and get to know Joey. I’m proud to say that I’m a…
Bob Jones
May 16, 2016