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Five years ago I started recording insights from life on my birthday. Number sixty-five is at the bottom of this post.

65 Insights

1. Looking forward – life is a marathon.

2. Looking back – life is a sprint.Running April 16

3. No reserves, no retreats, no regrets.

4. Fight the good fight of faith.

5. Don’t worry about anything.

6. Pray about everything.

7. The supernatural peace of God passes all natural understanding.

8. Peace will keep your heart and mind, quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.

9. A sister is like a rose that never fades.

10. Sons are an awesome gift from God. Daughter-in-laws are too!!

11. Grandchildren are life’s greatest joy! Now we have five! 2016-03-17 11.30.10

12. “Watch your teeth” should never be yelled on a football field.

13. A good wife is worth far more than rubies or diamonds or platinum. Way more!!2016-05-05 15.02.22

14. For every setback, God will bring a greater comeback.

15. It’s always too soon to quit.

16. See without judging.

17. Victory is not determined by the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.

18. Champions are made in practice and crowned on the field of combat.C&J #2

19. Football is THE best team sport in the world. Go Pats!

20. Go Bruins!

21. Leadership is influence.

22. Tenacity is a long obedience in the same direction.

23. Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.

24. Life is like Monopoly: when the game is over all the pieces go back in the box.

25. There are no u-hauls behind a hearse.

26. Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

27. Lean not to your own understanding.

28. In all your ways acknowledge Him.

29. He will direct your paths.

30. Commit you plans to the Lord and they will succeed.

31. God’s will won’t take you where God’s provision can’t sustain you.

32. Settle early

33. Never, ever give up.

34. Attitude is supernal.

35. Character is eternal.

36. Kneel to rise.

37. The Bible is God’s Word – it will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from it.

38. Humble yourself before God and he will lift you up.

39. God’s work done God’s way will never lack for God’s supply.

40. Expect to stall but not to fall.

41. Focus on what you have, not what you lack.

42. Include others in your journey.

43. Venture forth in faith.

44. Expect the best.

45. If you can take the worst, take the risk.

46. Skydiving is a blast…at any age.

47. Face your fears.Sarah Ball Fearless

48. Our disappointments are God’s appointments.

49. If you treat your wife like a thoroughbred, she won’t turn into an old nag.

50. Great unity can come from great diversity.

51. To live is Christ; to die is gain.

52. The greatest is love.

53. Hug hugely.

54. Kiss without fear.

55. Discipline is a glad surrender.

56. Dream BIG.Garry_Lefebvre ESks

57. Heaven is real.

58. Don’t burn out. Don’t rust out. Live out God’s rest for the rest of your life.

59. The plans God has for you are to prosper you and to give you a future.

60. Keep your eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of your faith.

61. If you want to see the boy in the man watch the reaction when the hockey team they cheer for, scores a goal in OT in Game 7 of a Stanley Cup playoff game.

62. People are doing the best they can.

63. If you want to learn what a person is really like, ask three questions: What makes you laugh? What makes you angry? What makes you cry?

64. Cancer can be beaten.

65. The wisest question to ask when confused about how to respond to life is, “What does love require of me?”

I would love to hear from you on my birthday. Please leave a comment below. Thank you.

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Bob Jones

Happily married to Jocelyn for 44 years. We have two adult sons, Cory and his wife Lynsey and their son Vincent and daughter Jayda; Jean Marc and his wife Angie and their three daughters, Quinn, Lena and Annora. I love inspiring people through communicating, blogging, and coaching. I enjoy writing, running, and reading. I'm a fan of the Double E, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Pats. Follow me on Twitter @bobjones49ers


  • Jocelyn Jones says:

    Keep Mama happy!

  • bob jones says:

    That’s thot #61. “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t no one happy.” Maybe it should have been thot #1.

  • CD Mayo says:

    Forgive seventy times seven: forgive radically because I was forgiven radically.

    The thought that Jesus placed himself on a cross for my sins, and the sins of every person in existence, is a poignant reminder of my own sin when I choose not to forgive. He endured every imaginable suffering for people who did not even exist yet and still don’t exist.

    I hear a gentle…”Who do you think you are when you hang onto a petty anger and stubborn unforgiving spirit?!? I am the ultimate forgiven and it is time for you to decide if what they did is truly unforgivable. Remember: I forgave you.

  • bob jones says:

    There is so much said in that simple line: 70×7. Forgiveness is powerful. I am glad you have learned its secret. Thank you commenting.

  • adena lowry says:

    My favorites from above are # 15 and #54. I’d add…
    In God’s service, only wounded soldiers can serve. – Rich Mullins
    You are one decision away from a totally different life – Mark Batterson
    What are here for if not to make the world easier for one another. – George Elliot
    Happy Birthday Pator Bob. Thank you for sharing God’s wisdom over the years so faithfully.

  • bob jones says:

    Thanks, Adena.Those are great additions. Have you read Batterson’s, “All In?”

  • adena lowry says:

    I have read “All in”. I loved it. I have that quote on my door at school. Fantastic read.
    I have the thinner version of “Circle Maker” but have yet to read it.

  • Veronica says:

    “Bib”.. I smile every time I think of you. Your character, spirit of generosity and strength, and the true example of leadership that you exemplify continues to make me feel so so honored to know you.
    14 is my favorite.
    48 needs to be on a t-shirt.
    I disagree that people are doing their best. We’re not. On the whole, we’re not. We need to do better. We need to be better. And we can be.
    And with everything in my heart I wish you and Jocelyn lived here in Victoria. Selfish wishing but you made me do it! ☺
    Thank you for always being someone I look to and look up to, no matter the time or distance.
    Much love to you and your beautiful wife. Keep fighting the good fight.

  • Gary Myers says:

    Love them. Poignant and humourous! Except for # 61. Having lived in BC since 1978, I have not had the joy of seeing my team score an OT goal in the 7th game of the Stanley Cup playoffs since the last time Montreal did it. I was still a boy back then.

  • Bob Jones says:

    Always a treat to hear from you Veronica. We were talking at Ironman on Wednesday about how we got our start 16 years ago at your bookstore. Coffee every Wednesday. So kind. Your partnership with Leadercast. We are still meeting on Wednesdays. “People are doing their best” means that we can give up being judgmental. Their best may be less than our best but we are trying to do our best so giving people the benefit of the doubt frees us from being judgmental. And if their best is hurtful towards us then this perspective allows us to create boundaries without feeling unloving. Have a awesome day! Eat some cake for me. Bib

  • Monica Oudenaarden says:

    These were awesome to reflect on. I liked all,of them except for the skydiving.
    I am thinking 40-44 are fabulous and power words. 49 def made me chuckle. Should be taught at pre-marital classes.
    Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Bob! Your such a wonderful person with a heart of Gold.

  • Bob Jones says:

    Thank you, Mo. We are excited to be with your family in June for Niki’s wedding.

  • Adena says:

    Happy birthday Pastor Bob. As o read through these again, I was moved by the time I got to number 5, and then again at 6. Thank you for always giving your wisdom and passion. We miss you. We love you. I pray your day is fully and completely surrounded by love.

  • Bob Jones says:

    Thank you, Adena. See you at WRR for Hope 2019

  • Jill Burns says:

    Hey PB! Happiest of birthdays to you! May your special day be marked by love and sweet memories and the knowledge you have made a positive and lasting impact on so many lives. Miss you and Joc and looking forward to catching up at Moose 🙂

  • Bob Jones says:

    So good to “hear” your voice, Jill. Yes, MLC. You are my inspiration for those who serve. You said “yes” 29 years ago to a request for your time, skill and devotion. A “yes” that started me off so well in a new leadership role and one that led to many new trusted relationships. A “yes” that ripples to infinity and beyond.

  • Sharon Ramstad says:

    Happy Birthday Pastor Bob! Thank you! So grateful for your words of wisdom……
    So excited for what God has for my favorite Pastors!!!!

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